US District Court Orders IBLA to Look at Evidence of Alaska’s Withheld 20,000 Acres in ANWR Boundary Error
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Map showing ANWR and the 1002 Area. Image-USGS
(Anchorage, AK) – In response to a motion to supplement the record, the United States District Court has found that the...
#alaska #anwr #boundries #mistake #suit #ibla #blm
#alaska #anwr #boundries #mistake #suit #ibla #blm
Re that last boost about Herms - here's an old blog post of mine from 2012 titled Hermes and the Heap of Stones - it's definitely an area that sets the mind racing, as indeed it did mine!
#Herms #Hermes #Watkins #Hermits #alchemy #boundries #trackways #folklore #mounds #pilgrimage #Thoth
#herms #hermes #watkins #hermits #alchemy #boundries #trackways #folklore #mounds #pilgrimage #thoth
Well I just completed a full round of interviews and it looks like I won't know until Monday, due to the holiday, if I got the gig. In the meantime I am going to take a break from leet code and enjoy the time off surrounding the holiday. #WorkLifeBalance #Boundries