“Stout figure in his ill-fitting, slightly too-tight suit, with the usual alert, wary, ironic glint in his eye and the over-cheeeful greeting which seemed to be something between an expression of undying friendship and a declaration of war”. Outstanding description of Boris Johnson by Jonathan Coe in his last book, #Bournville
#bournville #booktoot #jonathancoe
Dairy Milk child star sells Cadbury collection
#Cadburys #DairyMilk #Chocolate #ChildStars #Advertising #Memorabilia #Bournville #Birmingham #UK #Auction
#cadburys #dairymilk #chocolate #childstars #advertising #memorabilia #bournville #birmingham #uk #Auction
Read #Bournville by #JonathanCoe. Redeemed a bit by a strong finish, when the writing and subject matter clearly gets personal, but a really disappointing clunky book. Too reliant on lazy nostalgia; I expected spangles and Choppers to appear at one stage. Some odd writing. Rather than develop characters naturally he just bungs in their internal monologue on one occasion. #bookstodon #BookToot #keefsreads2023
#bournville #jonathancoe #bookstodon #BookToot #keefsreads2023
Just started reading #Bournville from #jonathanCoe and really enjoying it so far ☺️
#bookstodon #mastobook #reading
#bournville #jonathancoe #bookstodon #mastobook #reading
Christmas Carols on Bournville Green
First time since 2019! #CarolsOnTheGreen #bournville #birmingham
#carolsonthegreen #bournville #birmingham
RT @LizClements@twitter.com
Lovely positive feedback from a resident this morning on our latest newsletter in #Bournville and #Cotteridge @BournvilleLab@twitter.com. Huge thanks to all our wonderful volunteers who've delivered our leaflets and direct mail this year. #LabourMakesTheDifference
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LizClements/status/1606283839227064322
#bournville #cotteridge #labourmakesthedifference
Ein Spaziergang in der Nachbarschaft - #Cotteridge und #Bournville #birmingham
#birmingham #bournville #cotteridge
Ein Spaziergang in der Nachbarschaft - #Cotteridge und #Bournville #birminghamrep
#birminghamrep #bournville #cotteridge
Enjoyable British nostalgia #Review Bournville by Jonathan Coe @PenguinUKBooks@twitter.com #read #fiction #historical #histficreadingchallenge #netgalley #Bournville https://bookdout.wordpress.com/2022/11/29/review-bournville-by-jonathan-coe/
#review #read #fiction #historical #histficreadingchallenge #netgalley #bournville
Have added #Bournville by #JonathanCoe to the list. #BookToot #mastobook
#bournville #jonathancoe #BookToot #mastobook
Playing around trying to get a good shot of Jonathan Coe’s brilliant new novel!
#books #jonathancoe #bournville
#books #jonathancoe #bournville