Affecting gut health
Causes cancer risk too
Alcohol-associated bowel disease
#alcohol #guthealth #cancer #boweldisease #cinquain #poetry
#alcohol #guthealth #cancer #boweldisease #cinquain #poetry
New #colitis study from LJI's Kronenberg Lab: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.1034648/full
The team investigated whether increased expression of two GPRs (GPR183 and GPR18) in the intestine is related to disease severity in colitis models.
#Immunology #Tcells #ImmuneSystem #CellularBiology #MolecularBiology #GPRs #infammation #BowelDisease #Health #MouseModels
#colitis #immunology #Tcells #immunesystem #cellularbiology #molecularBiology #gprs #infammation #boweldisease #health #mousemodels
We are at the #multiplechoice section of my #health. Is it β
a) #lymphedema
b) #inflammatory #boweldisease
c) mesenteric #panniculitis
d) #lymphoma
e) a combination of some
f) all of the above
β that afflicts me? http://bit.ly/2B6ob7I
#multiplechoice #health #lymphedema #inflammatory #boweldisease #panniculitis #lymphoma