@brianklaas There are so many shootings it requires a database to keep track. As Michael Moore very recently said, 20 years after #BowlingforColumbine, Americans are not only a violent people (even if the majority *don't* actually own a gun) but people who have somehow normalized #violence, "to make it not something that we just do, but rather to make it exactly who we are". What a depressing thought
#violence #bowlingforcolumbine
Watch for free
On the 20th Anniversary of “Bowling for Columbine” winning the Oscar, you can watch the film for free, through this weekend, thanks to filmmaker Michael Moore.
Moore says, “I’d like it if you would watch it with me. It will, I guess, I dunno, *feel better*. Less alone in trying to understand. Less alone in acting to do something.”
Note: It’s not a movie about guns. It’s about us.
[and funded by Canadians] 🇨🇦
#Free #Documentary #Film #BowlingForColumbine #MichaelMoore
#Free #documentary #film #bowlingforcolumbine #michaelmoore
I read all those questions that have all been asked 20 years ago in #bowlingforcolumbine - and nothing seems to have changed…
consumers consumed by corporate conservatism...
#fearbasedexistence #consume #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #conservatism #marilynmanson #bowlingforcolumbine #interview #vidcap
#fearbasedexistence #conservatism #bowlingforcolumbine #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #consume #interview #vidcap #marilynmanson
consumers consumed by corporate conservatism...
#fearbasedexistence #consume #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #conservatism #marilynmanson #bowlingforcolumbine #interview #vidcap
#consume #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #interview #fearbasedexistence #conservatism #marilynmanson #bowlingforcolumbine #vidcap
hach ja. bombendrohung in Gesamtschule, übach-palenberg. reaktion der lehrer (weil es ja keine amokläufe an schulen gibt, und an der columbine high ham se nur gekegelt): gaaanz lange nicht ernst genommen, und erst kurz vor knapp ... #bowlingforcolumbine #nrw