Only two more days until my talk “News from boxes and glue” at the TUG 2023 conference. This will be streamed on Youtube, so you can watch it online. (Friday, 12:15)
Currently preparing my TUG 2023 presentation. Time for a recap.
This is the implementation status of boxes and glue in 2022 and 2023. There is progress. The backend is pretty much “complete”, the most work in the frontend has been in the HTML/CSS section.
Friday is Infrastructure Friday.
So I have moved the boxes and glue website to a new CMS (Material for MkDocs - which is very awesome - @squidfunk) and I promise I will start / continue documenting boxes and glue as it gets more and more mature. Homepage is as before at
XTS news: This has been a pretty busy week. Here are the news:
* XTS version 0.0.2 is released (
* There is the beginning of a manual at
* The example repo is at
* XTS is now BSD licensed!
What is #XTS? The XML typesetting system is a PDF database publishing software to create product catalogs and other high demand output. #speedata #boxesandglue
Schade.... Vielleicht klappt’s im nächsten Jahr! #glt23 #boxesandglue #speedatapublisher
#glt23 #boxesandglue #speedatapublisher
(German readers only…)
Neu im speedata Blog: Vorschau 2023. speedata Publisher, boxes and glue und andere Dinge.
#speedatapublisher #boxesandglue #printcss
Next version of boxes and glue will have have automatic font expansion setting to optimize the line breaking algorithm.
Don't overdue it. I think the second paragraph (with the second line squeezed by 1%) is okay, except for the different spacing in lines 1,2 and 3.
So there is still room for improvement, but nevertheless boxes and glue will be on par with TeX’s typographic capabilities.
#boxesandglue #typography #texlatex
Thinking of joining the TUG 2023 meeting in Bonn this year. But approx. 1000 Euro just for attending a conference not far away seems to be a little high. And no, remote is not an option for me.
Next version of boxes and glue has hanging punctuation. Now working on font expansion...
#boxesandglue #typography #css #pdf
#boxesandglue #typography #css #pdf
Working hard to get a first working version out for Christmas. Now bagme works with nested elements (such as div) adds border / background to elements.
Now it is so easy to get HTML into PDF from Go (
Another step towards basic HTML/CSS functionality. Now with borders and padding.
#boxesandglue #printcss
Getting more and more done. I have created a GitHub repository with an ready to run example for bagme (boxes and glue made easy) - the HTML in PDF rendering library for Go.
Some things that are implemented: pre/ul/ol/tables/p/h1,… Still a lot missing and still not ready for production, but I am very happy about the development pace.
I've put bagme sample code online at
#bagme #boxesandglue
License change: the boxes and glue library will now be published under the terms of the BSD license. Upload will follow soon. #boxesandglue
Some new experiments with boxes and glue: I have created a new Go library called “bagme” (boxes and glue made easy) for PDF rendering HTML fragments styled with CSS. No big setup necessary.
(just a proof of concept at the moment)