Happy Boxing Day!
#cats #catsofmastodon #catsinboxes #boxingdaycats
#boxingdaycats #catsinboxes #catsofmastodon #cats
From last year as we were packing up our central Houston townhouse in preparation for moving out to the distant northern metro area ‘burbs. Jasper was taking no chances and closely guarding most* of his most-prized possessions.
*Not pictured: Jasper’s food bowl.
#BoxingDay #BoxingDayCats #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #photography
#boxingday #cats #catsofmastodon #photography #boxingdaycats
#BoxingDayCats - finally, a holiday my cats can happily get behind! When is "National Tuna Day" BTW? 😂
Rupert (Saskatchewan, Canada) has had so many boxes to sit in lately that he can’t possibly keep up. It’s like his humans want to make it his full time occupation. Luckily there are at least a lot of options when it comes to places to have naps and rebuild his energy.
#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #BoxingDay #CatsInBoxes #BoxingDayCats
#boxingdaycats #catsinboxes #boxingday #catsofmastodon #cats
Boxes? We don’t need a box. Just something resembling a box will do.
#cats #catsofmastodon #caturdayiseveryday #boxingdaycats
It's Boxing Day! The day where we share photos of our cats in boxes! #cats #CatsOfMastodon #CatsInBoxes #BoxingDayCats
#boxingdaycats #catsinboxes #catsofmastodon #cats