We should start a wave of account deletion from PayPal!
I very rarely pay w/plastic (#warOnCash), but made some exceptions & noticed that “Zettle by Paypal” was printed on the receipt. I got burnt in the sense that I #boycottPaypal in part b/c they are reckless w/data (they share data w/over 600+ corps). If I knew in advance that #Paypal was in the loop, I would not have paid w/plastic. #Zettle.com is tor-hostile as well.
#waroncash #boycottPaypal #paypal #zettle
#BoycottPayPal, #NoAgendaVirtueSignaler, #greatdisappointment, #Shuveur15buckswherethesundontshine. https://ussanews.com/2022/10/13/paypal-resorts-to-offering-15-to-stop-surge-of-people-cancelling-accounts/
#boycottPaypal #NoAgendaVirtueSignaler #GreatDisappointment #Shuveur15buckswherethesundontshine
The "Long March" to a social credit system. You cannot say you weren't warned.
The "Long March" to a social credit system. You cannot say you weren't warned.
According to the report, #PayPal is the biggest lier. PayPal’s carbon emissions are a staggering 5,512% more than what they report. Well PayPal is quite evil anyway so you already #boycottPaypal if you’re an ethical consumer.
@galacticstone #PayPal lost my patronage years ago. There are many reasons to #boycottPayPal → https://git.disroot.org/cyberMonk/liberethos_paradigm/src/branch/master/rap_sheets/paypal.md
#Paypal is not a #FreeSpeech/#Privacy respecting payment option. They are known to ban for #bitcoin (ironically sell it!), & now may share user history/personal info w/#ADL (blindly trusting a *disingenuous* org threatening Palestinian #HumanRights activists). #BoycottPaypal
#paypal #freespeech #boycottPaypal #bitcoin #humanrights
@stux have a look at https://wiki.snowdrift.coop/market-research/other-crowdfunding. There is also villages.io (which is on AWS but at least it's not CF and doesn't involve #Paypal). BTW, #boycottPaypal https://dev.lemmy.ml/post/30880