Looking forward to this yearâs Blizzcon!
#BoycottBlizzard #Blizzcon #FreeHongKong #GamerGate
#boycottblizzard #blizzcon #freehongkong #gamergate
Blizzard Cancels Nintendo Switch Overwatch Launch Event In New York Amid Censorship Row | #FreeHongKong #Overwatch #LiberatorMei #BoycottBlizzard #GamerGate
#freehongkong #overwatch #liberatormei #boycottblizzard #gamergate
Overwatch E-Sports Coach Justin Conroy Directed To Delete Tweet Critical Of Blizzard's Censorship | #BoycottBlizzard #Overwatch #OWL #Censorship #FreeHongKong #GamerGate
#boycottblizzard #overwatch #owl #censorship #freehongkong #gamergate
Blizzard Bans Hearthstone Users For 1,000 Years For Supporting Hong Kong | #FreeHongKong #BoycottBlizzard #Hearthstone #GamerGate
#freehongkong #boycottblizzard #hearthstone #gamergate
Context: #BoycottBlizzard controversy https://medium.com/@bmkibler_5280/statement-on-blizzard-and-blitzchung-9e4b4aec39ab
Plus TikTok #TruthHurts meme https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/tiktok-just-took-a-dna-test
equals "Blizzard just took a DNA test turns out it's 100 percent China's bitch"
RT @britbenjamin@twitter.com
Blizzard just took a DNA test turns out it’s 100 percent China’s bitch.
Intentionnellement ou accidentellement, les serveurs de Blizzard refuseraient les demandes de suppression de compte à la suite du bad buzz #BoycottBlizzard https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/dfqmdj/blizzard_have_disabled_all_four_authentication/
Obwohl milliardenschwere Grosskonzerne haben sowohl Blizzard wie Apple nicht die Eier die Menschenrechte hochzuhalten und beugen sich ohne Mucksen dem Chinesischen Regime, schade... #FreeHongKong #BoycottBlizzard
#freehongkong #boycottblizzard
Blizzard hat jede Möglichkeit entfernt sein Benutzerkonto dort zu löschen, weil viele User aus Protest gegen sie dort weg wollen.
RT @Espsilverfire2@twitter.com
So now Blizzard have disabled ALL FOUR authentication methods to actively stop people from deleting their accounts. This is beyond disgusting. Spread awareness of this. #BoycottBlizzard https://t.co/AyUiABgMXD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Espsilverfire2/status/1182001007976423424
Ci-dessous un guide pour demander vos données à Blizz, conformément à la loi Européenne, afin de leur nuire via une action fastidieuse pour eux (aka des ressources) et facile pour vous. #BoycottBlizzard
Blizzard Employees Stage Small Walkout To Protest Censorship, Kowtowing To China | #BoycottBlizzard #BlizzardBoycott #Blizzard #FreeHongKong #GamerGate
#boycottblizzard #blizzardboycott #blizzard #freehongkong #gamergate
Blizzard Promises to Defend the Pride of China as Congress Takes Notice | #BoycottBlizzard #BlizzardBoycott #FreeHongKong #LiberateHongKong #GamerGate
#boycottblizzard #blizzardboycott #freehongkong #liberatehongkong #gamergate
Blizzard Faces Internal and External Backlash Over Being Chinaâs Puppet | #BoycottBlizzard #BlizzardBoycott #FreeHongKong #GamerGate
#boycottblizzard #blizzardboycott #freehongkong #gamergate