RT @AlshababRadio@twitter.com
Karim Younes, 66, was arrested by the Isr-aeli occ-upation forces in 1983 and sentenced to forty years, his mother, Subhia, embraced him last time when he was a young man aged 23, and now is now 66 old.
#Dreamspace #BlackFriday #PakatanHarapan #BoycottBollywood
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlshababRadio/status/1595765984434221058
#dreamspace #blackfriday #pakatanharapan #boycottbollywood
RT @zoo_bear@twitter.com
Hypocrisy of #BoycottBramhashtra #BoycottBollywood gang.
#boycottbramhashtra #boycottbollywood
RT @zoo_bear@twitter.com
Hypocrisy of #BoycottBramhashtra #BoycottBollywood gang.
#boycottbramhashtra #boycottbollywood
RT @RenukaJain6@twitter.com
@deepikapadukone@twitter.com is brand ambassador for these companies
RT till the time she is not removed