Terra Jones · @TerraTorment
161 followers · 104 posts · Server kolektiva.social
V.K. Farfalle 🦋 (He/Him) · @vkfarfalle
74 followers · 300 posts · Server zirk.us

It's pretty simple: if you're trying to undermine , I'm no longer going to waste my time and effort figuring if you're a paid Hasbro shill or just a useless entitled nerdboy who thinks the D&D brand is worth more than the people who create and publish D&D.

I'm just going to mute you and move on and waste my time and effort on a less ridiculous Quixotic crusade.

Make sure your grandparents buy dolphin-safe cranberry safe this Thanksgiving, you heartless bastards.

#boycottdnd #hasbrodelendaest

Last updated 2 years ago

Johnny :antiverified: · @JohnnyCiocca
186 followers · 13248 posts · Server hachyderm.io

RT @StarryKnightRPG@twitter.com

Wow! Guess David was too much of an obstacle to *their* money, eh? Blocking one of your own authors for refusing to be subservient is a really bad look ! twitter.com/David_Leavitt/stat

🐦🔗: twitter.com/StarryKnightRPG/st

#wotc #dndbegone #boycottdnd #boycottdndmovie #hasbro #stopthesub

Last updated 2 years ago

Timothy Mischief · @TimothyMischief
41 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.art

No one should be attacking staff at Wizards of the Coast. We should be mad that executives have made them the face of their bad choices.

We should encourage staff to unionise. We’re already ready to , they’d have our support in standing against WotC.

#ogl #openrpg #opendnd #boycottdnd

Last updated 2 years ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
766 followers · 5020 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Ah Ginni Di advocates canceling subs to Dndbeyond.com to send a message. Beyond experiences a DDOS of people logging on.

Remember to email them and politely tell them why. Boycotts without informing the company don't change minds.

Thanks to my source!

#cancelyourddbsub #opendnd #fuckhasbro #ogl #boycottdnd

Last updated 2 years ago

V.K. Farfalle 🦋 (He/Him) · @vkfarfalle
62 followers · 223 posts · Server zirk.us

The reason that modern boycotts-- especially NERD boycotts-- don't work is that people say they're committed to the moral principle of the boycott, but then they always find a bunch of little excuses for why the thing they REALLY want to do doesn't count.

Just like every other meaningless human moral "principle".

Do what you're going to do, because you're going to do it anyway. Just stop pretending it's a principled decision.

#boycottdnd #boycotthasbro #nohonoramongthieves #hasbrodelendaest

Last updated 2 years ago