FAANG FAAG, facespook, amazomb, CrAAPL, Scroogle, NatzFlicks, #boycottfaang #boycottfacebook #boycottNetflix #boycottAlphabet
#boycottfaang #boycottfacebook #boycottnetflix #boycottalphabet
FAANG FAAG, facespook, amazomb, CrAAPL, Scroogle, NatzFlicks, #boycottfaang #boycottfacebook #boycottNetflix #boycottAlphabet
#boycottfaang #boycottfacebook #boycottnetflix #boycottalphabet
In contrast the folks in my contacts who happened to already have the Signal app installed "open whisper" were exactly the people i DIDN'T want to chat with encrypted...
Same with Tor onion, torfox, orfox and other Tor systems... Hella slow, creepy as eff servers of filth and broken links, scat and disgusting capitalismo for decadence. The dark web is a scam.
#boycottFAANG #boycottSnowden #nobabysitters #uninstallTor
#boycottfaang #boycottsnowden #nobabysitters #uninstalltor
Don't ever use this service. They are thieves and monopolized the lock smith market via google RICO FAANG advertising payola #corruption. #crooks #boycottFAANG #bds #compostCapitalism
#corruption #crooks #boycottfaang #bds #compostcapitalism
I think as a security measure instead of Chrome install the chromium package on Linux. Never ever install the google "non free gnu" version to your OS:, linux or mac os... #boycottFAANG
Looks like russians named Sergey Brin and Larry Page stole the election... Lol #palantir #boycottFAANG
The whole entire radio station is misleading. Fascism is corporatism.
Sorry #notsorry
#bsd #boycottFAANG #boycottIsraH311
"Brown eventually pleaded guilty to threatening a federal officer and to two other charges." Smh
He was defending his Mother! He had no other choice. FBI are rat bastards #nodapl
#notsorry #bsd #boycottfaang #boycottisrah311 #nodapl