RT by @JeremiahOshan: 🚨🚨 ATTENTION PATRIOTS 🚨🚨
Steve Bannon is calling on ALL PATRIOTS to #BoycottFoxNews #WokeFoxNews Contact cable companies TODAY and tell them #NoFoxFee not one more cent for WOKE FOX
Original Post: http://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1650943534365569032#m
Jeremiah Oshan / @JeremiahOshan
#boycottfoxnews #wokefoxnews #nofoxfee
Good, although it would have been entertaining seeing the lying liars take the stand, under oath; and it would have been more satisfying to see a much larger penalty.
If you haven’t already, unsubscribe from every service that bundles this garbage into your TV service… like Xfinity / Comcast.
#fox #dominion #FauxNews #BoycottFoxNews #CutTheCable #CutTheBullshit
#fox #dominion #fauxnews #boycottfoxnews #cutthecable #cutthebullshit
Never mind. Look what I found! #BoycottFoxNews https://dropfox.com/advertisers/
Walgreens is not being a good citizen of the community by denying women autonomy over their own bodies. Does anyone know of or have a list of businesses who support #FoxNews so we can also boycott them? #BoycottFoxNews #BoycottWalgreens
#foxnews #boycottfoxnews #boycottwalgreens
So now that it is clear that Murdoch & Fox News KNEW they were lying to millions & millions of Americans & the entire world, who besides Mr. Pillow will continue to advertise there.
National @foxnews is depraved propaganda. It's now demonstrated in current #bigLie lawsuit.
But it's been KNOWN - general m.o. and goals - for 20 yrs! since @alfranken's extremly well researched "Lies and the Lying Liars." We've known for 20+ years. #boycottfoxnews
Iceland is so wonderful and I would love to live there so there would be no Murdochs around. #BoycottFoxNews #BoycottSkyNews #BoycottNewsCorp
#boycottfoxnews #boycottskynews #boycottnewscorp
Iceland is so wonderful and I would love to live there where there would be no Murdochs around. #BoycottFoxNews #BoycottSkyNews #BoycottNewsCorp
#boycottfoxnews #boycottskynews #boycottnewscorp
I’m very glad that the Icelandic have jailed the bad bankers, corrupt politicians, business people, and greedy billionaires in Iceland and that’s a good thing. Rupert Murdoch is banned from Iceland so he can’t set a media outlet in the country. #BoycottFoxNews #BoycottSkyNews #BoycottNewsCorp ://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KYpzHZh5byY
#boycottfoxnews #boycottskynews #boycottnewscorp
Yakutsk would be a better place for Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan to get banished and freeze in a freezing cold. #BoycottFoxNews #BoycottSkyNews #BoycottNewsCorp https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eEhHsodCe6w
#boycottfoxnews #boycottskynews #boycottnewscorp
I wonder how Rupert Murdoch and his son feel about being banned from Iceland? Not happy. #BoycottFoxNews #BoycottSkyNews #BoycottNewsCorp
#boycottfoxnews #boycottskynews #boycottnewscorp
I hate seeing @Amazon’s name in the list of Fox News advertisers. We should #BoycottFoxNews as well.
I’ll be remembering that @subaru_usa@twitter.com is a Fox News advertiser when next I’m shopping for a car. I wish I’d known when we bought this one. #BoycottFoxNews