I am officially joining the Boycott of Twitter Advertisers. If you advertise on Twitter, I will not purchase goods or services from your businesses. #BOTA #BoycottHateSpeech
I am officially joining the Boycott of Twitter Advertisers. If you advertise on Twitter, I will not purchase goods or services from your businesses. #BOTA #BoycottHateSpeech
I am officially joining the Boycott of Twitter Advertisers. If you advertise on Twitter, I will not purchase goods or services from your businesses. #BOTA #BoycottHateSpeech
@ashton JFC did he actually say these words??!! Untreated #mentalillness + #prejudice + #toomuchmoney is bad enough, but those who give it a #platform to be heard far and wide are to be #condemned right along with him! #boycottye #boycotthatespeech #boycottehate #lovewins #loveaboveallelse #lovenothate
#mentalillness #prejudice #toomuchmoney #platform #condemned #boycottye #boycotthatespeech #boycottehate #lovewins #loveaboveallelse #lovenothate