Mother of Cop City Protester MURDERED By Police Condemns Drama-Obsessed Media #StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #BoycottHomeDepot #AbolishAPD #JusticeForTort
#policebrutality #justicefortort #abolishapd #boycotthomedepot #DefendTheForest #StopCopCity
BREAKING: Cops ARREST SENIOR CITIZEN Protesting Cop City Funder Home Depot
#justicefortort #abolishapd #StopCopCity #boycotthomedepot
On-brand for a treasonous company that finances election deniers.
#boycotthomedepot #shoplowesinstead
@SevenBowie one more reason to #BoycottHomeDepot.
Bernie Marcus not only has been a fervent supporter of tfg. But he is funding this lawsuit. While receiving, subsidies, tax credits, and price gauging during the pandemic. Hypocrites!!
Do you know who is trying to keep people from getting student debt relief? A conservative advocacy group called "Job Creators Network Foundation", founded by Bernie Marcus, a co-founder of Home Depot. #BoycottHomeDepot