Like every olympics, there are many reasons to #boycottParisOlympics24. The last one is about the volunteer recruitement. 45000 people are invited to work 8-10h/day, 6 days/week for free, sometimes with specific requirements. So that the sponsors and contractors can earn as much as possible... So a call has been launched to get as many people engage to screw them last minute ^^
We should also remind that more than 100 workers already got injured while building the infrastructures. Recently a man died while working on the new subway line. And hundreds of undocumented workers are hired while still being harrassed or even required to quit the country...
@ralocycleuse 🔗
Pas de bénévoles pour les JOP 2024 : un tutoriel pour gâcher leur campagne de travail dissimulé
#boycottparisolympics24 #boycottjo2024 #jo2024 #paris2024
No pensions: no olympics!
International mobilization in Paris from july 26 to august 11.
#boycottParisOlympics24 #BoycottJO2024 #jo2024 #France #pensionsandretirementplans
#france #pensionsandretirementplans #boycottparisolympics24 #boycottjo2024 #jo2024