A #report from a #coalition of #environmental groups shows that #RoyalBank of #Canada was the biggest #FossilFuel #financier in the world last year after providing over US$42 billion in funding.
The annual #BankingOnClimateChaos report shows the bank's #funding between 2016 & 2021 put it as the fifth-largest #FossilFuelFunder but 2022 was the first year it provided the most money.
#Bank4ABetterFuture #BoycottRBC #ShutdownRBC #CorporateGreed #GreedKills #EcocideFunder
#report #coalition #environmental #royalbank #canada #fossilfuel #financier #BankingonClimateChaos #funding #fossilfuelfunder #bank4abetterfuture #boycottrbc #shutdownrbc #corporategreed #greedkills #ecocidefunder
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"TOMORROW‼️ Our capacity is building and we’ve adopted another branch. This time at Fraser and E 49th, 2pm. See you there 😏"
#rcmpofftheyintah #wetsuwetensolidarity
#unethical #BoycottRBC #quitrbc #rbcfundsgenocide #Greenwashing #RBCisKillingMe #RBC #ecocide #nomoredirtybanks #dirtymoney #dirtymoney #corporategreed #greedkills #shutdownrbc #ClimateJustice #yvr #Vancouver
#decolonialsolidarityvancouver #rcmpofftheyintah #WetsuwetenSolidarity #unethical #boycottrbc #QuitRBC #rbcfundsgenocide #greenwashing #rbciskillingme #rbc #ecocide #nomoredirtybanks #dirtymoney #corporategreed #greedkills #shutdownrbc #climatejustice #yvr #vancouver