#BoycottTarget #BoycottDominion #BoycottStapleStreetCapital #BoyCottBudLite #BoyCottSixFlags
Boycotting Six Flags should be easy and profoundly effective, they are owned by the owners of Dominion Voting Systems. This is a boycott that hits two points, drag on kids and the #2020Election fraud by Dominon.
#boycotttarget #boycottdominion #boycottstaplestreetcapital #boycottbudlite #boycottsixflags #2020election
Pride month becomes intolerable to Americans, Humpty Dumpty Biden has another great fall, and Kimberly Fletcher discusses the #BoycottTarget campaign on today's #RobCarsonShow podcast! 🎙️
Subscribe today for free at https://t.co/sY53tHnMnB
@RobCarsonShow @RobCarson https://t.co/65j2dyRYl5
Catchy tune... #boycotttarget
This is the kind of person corporations are catering too.
I have rarely shopped at Target but will not again. These corporations are bad news. #lgbtq #BoycottTarget
Target becomes latest company to suffer backlash for LGBTQ+ support, pulls some Pride month clothing
”Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.”
Yes, because the best way to deal with bigots is to give them what they want.
I haven’t been really feeling like reading/posting lately, but I guess today’s as good a time as any to put something out there. Following Target’s capitulating to religious terrorists, I called corporate and told them that I shan’t be buying anything through them until they tell the CHUDs to fuck off and die in a fire (although I did use more polite terms for that last bit).
If employee safety is an issue, they’re a big corporation that can afford armed security.
Apparently, both the LA Dodgers and Target are in denial about what matters to their customers. So, here we go: #BoycottLADodgers #BoycottTarget
#boycottladodgers #boycotttarget
The way to deal with threats is via law enforcement, not concessions. Guess it’s back to #boycottTarget https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/24/target-lgbtq-clothing-controversy-boycott/
Expect Less. Pay More—with your dignity and rights!
The chain ($110B/year) has removed "tuck it" swimsuits and sent queers to sit at the back of the bus.
"Target confirmed that it has moved its Pride merchandise from the front of the stores to the back in some #Southern stores after confrontations and backlash from shoppers in those areas." AP
📷 PR handout (edit)
#LGBTQIA #Pride #appeasers #collaborators #DomesticTerrorism
#domesticterrorism #collaborators #appeasers #pride #LGBTQIA #southern #boycotttarget #fucktarget
Enough of this shit. #BoycottTarget. https://www.thedailybeast.com/target-removes-pride-merch-after-right-wing-media-throws-hissy-fit #lgbtqia+ #CentristsAreTheRealDanger #pride
#boycotttarget #lgbtqia #centristsaretherealdanger #pride
Yes! All you bigots please #BoycottTarget - then I won't have to get my dose of Karens dragging their bratty kids around and bitching about EVERYTHING.