The Menstrual Cramps - Boycott The Lot #BoycottTheLot #BoycottTheSun #BoycottStarbucks #BoycottSeaLife #BoycottAmazon #BoycottDairy #GoVegan #BoycottUnilever
#boycottthelot #boycottthesun #boycottstarbucks #boycottsealife #boycottamazon #boycottdairy #govegan #boycottunilever
This week we will see many picket lines in disputes across the nation.
I cannot think of a better way of keeping the braziers fired up to keep striking workers warm.π₯β
#boycottthesun #supportstrikingworkers #JFT97
I am curious to know if any companies who pay The S*n to advertise products & services, have decided to end their contracts in light of Clarkson's vile misogyny? #BoycottTheSun
This week we will see many picket lines in disputes across the nation.
I cannot think of a better way of keeping the braziers fired up to keep striking workers warm.π₯β
#boycottthesun #SupportStrikingWorkers #JFT97
This week we will see many picket lines in disputes across the nation.
I cannot think of a better way of keeping the braziers fired up to keep striking workers warm.π₯β
#JFT97 #SupportStrikingWorkers #boycottthesun
Jeremy Clarkson is an excrement of the human race.
It is mind-blowing how a newspaper publish his rant on Meghan.The blame should fall on @thesun more than on the author.
Publishing that piece,the Sun practically sides with the misogyny expressed by Clarkson.
If they chose not 2publish it,that garbage will not be out there black on white.
The sun needs to apologize for it.
Jeremy Clarkson is an of the human race. It is mind-blowing how a newspaper publish his rant on Meghan.
The blame should fall on @thesun more than on the author.Publishing that piece,the Sun practically sides with the misogyny expressed by Clarkson.
If they chose not 2 publish it,that garbage will not be out there black on white.
The sun needs to apologize for it.
This week we will see many picket lines in disputes across the nation.
I cannot think of a better way of keeping the braziers fired up to keep striking workers warm.π₯β
#boycottthesun #supportstrikingworkers #JFT97
What #Clarkson fantasized doing to #Markle is hardcore misogyny and the kind of things that domestic violence victims suffer at hands of DV perpetrators: being urinated/defecated on, reducing women to objects, shaming & isolating them & destroying their self-esteem.
His words normalize violence against women if he suffers no consequences.
#JeremyClarkson #DomesticViolence #IntimatePartnerViolence #Racism #Misogyny #BoycottTheSun
#clarkson #markle #jeremyclarkson #domesticviolence #intimatepartnerviolence #racism #misogyny #boycottthesun
If you #boycottTheSun
You should also
They are cut from the same filthy rag
This especially includes their websites, they most of their money from the adverts on the sites so clicks equals money for them
#boycottthetelegraph #boycotttheexpress #boycottthemail #boycottthesun