Terra Jones · @TerraTorment
160 followers · 87 posts · Server kolektiva.social


When Martin Luther King was talking about white moderates, the same thing applies to cis moderates.I do not need Sam Sedar or his friends to lecture me about how partisan hacks like The Young Turks, a show named after the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide, are not anti trans. I can make my own decisions about what I find to be offensive.

We are victims of a moral panic. We are under legislative assault from the worst reactionaries in the country who have a stated intention to commit genocide against us. These cis moderates want to lecture us like we are children. Ana Kasperan is not our friend. She said those things in the context of a legislative genocide. She has to understand that that context means that her little quibbles are incredibly dangerous and harm our people. To heck with and . And to heck with liberals lecturing us.

#cenk #ana #boycotttyt #TYT #theyoungturks

Last updated 1 year ago