Wer spielt heute?
Ein Haufen geldgieriger Menschen ohne Anstand. Nicht für mich.
#FIFA2022 is corrupt
#qatar2022 is a shame
#qatar is a disgrace to humanity
#wm2022 I will never watch
#WM22 is a horror show
#fussball #boycottwmqatar #boycottFifa2022 #BoycottQatar2022 #boycottuefa #Katar2022 #BoykottaQuatar2022 #boycottquatar2022 #FIFA2022 #fifaworldcup #quatar #qatar2022 #qatar #wm2022 #WM22
Just wanted to join saying:
#FIFA2022 is corrupt
#qatar2022 is a shame
#qatar is a disgrace to humanity
#wm2022 I will never watch
#WM22 is a horror show
#boycottwmqatar #boycottFifa2022 #BoycottQatar2022 #boycottuefa #Katar2022 #BoykottaQuatar2022 #boycottquatar2022 #FIFA2022 #fifaworldcup #quatar #qatar2022 #qatar #wm2022 #WM22
@eggerten Guten Morgen and good morning
Just wanted to join saying:
#FIFA2022 is corrupt
#qatar2022 is a shame
#qatar is a disgrace to humanity
#wm2022 I will never watch
#WM22 is a horror show
#boycottwmqatar #boycottFifa2022 #BoycottQatar2022 #boycottuefa #Katar2022 #BoykottaQuatar2022 #boycottquatar2022 #FIFA2022 #fifaworldcup #quatar #qatar2022 #qatar #wm2022 #WM22
#boycottuefa #boycottqatar #boykottkatar #boycottwmqatar
instead of this #uefa event:
Try a nice snow walk, or a funny snowballfight. Play chess at the fireplace. Make love. Make music. Dance with your family.
#boycottuefa #boycottqatar #BoykottKatar #boycottwmqatar #UEFA
So. 20.11.2022 17 Uhr
Was man an diesem Tag tun kann:
-Karten spielen
-gemeinsam musizieren
-Baden in der Wanne
-ein gutes Buch lesen
aber den TV auslassen und die #FussballWM ignorieren.
#boykottqatar #boykottkatar #tvbleibtaus #boycottuefa
#FussballWM #BoykottQatar #BoykottKatar #tvbleibtaus #boycottuefa
Mi. 23.11.2022 14 Uhr
Was man tun kann
-Mit Kindern/Enkeln Lego spielen
#BoykottQatar #BoykottKatar #tvbleibtaus #boycottuefa