Here’s my problem, not once in 300 instances of Find My telling me my #airpodspro were left behind were they “left behind.” @pschiller #apple #papercut #comeon #boywhocriedwolf
#AirPodsPro #Apple #PaperCut #comeon #boywhocriedwolf
Everything's the worst thing since 9/11. #hennypenny #boywhocriedwolf
>Schumer: McCarthy giving Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson 'worst security risk since 9/11'
Everything's the worst thing since 9/11. #hennypenny #boywhocriedwolf
>Schumer: McCarthy giving Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson 'worst security risk since 9/11'
Jira has a “Something went wrong” popup that occurs so frequently that I don’t bother dismissing it.
I don’t know why they made it a popup and not just a permanent part of UI. At this point I’d be more worried if the simplest of Jira operations *didn’t* complain that “Something went wrong” despite no evidence something is broken. #boywhocriedwolf
Existentially, something *has* gone wrong: I am being forced to use Jira.