@CraftComputing @Raspberry_Pi it's similarly shit like the #BananaPiZeroM2 / #BPi0M2 because if a CS professior can't get an SBC to output anything but 720p60, it's the fault of the company that creates it - not the users buying it.
#Apps make #OperatingSystems,
Operating Systems make #Hardware.
That's why people put up with the shit of #Apple and some even can tolerate #Microsoft apparently...
#Microsoft #Apple #Hardware #operatingsystems #Apps #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2
@cloudyc Yeah, or one of those that barely function [i.e. #BananaPi #BPi0M2 which spec-wise should wipe the floor with @Raspberry_Pi's #Pi0W but don't even support anything but 720p60 output!]
Let's just say I'd not trust an #SBC where the only supported images are on some MEGA.nz or GoogleDrive / box.com accounts and the documentation doesn't even specify how to reproducibly build a minimal Linux for it.
@chksome Or maybe
@geerlingguy works professionally with
@Raspberry_Pi SoC's...
After all, #RaspberryPi #CM4's are extremely common since they have what all their #clones and #competitors lack:
Even if the #BananaPi #BPi0M2 should wipe the floor with the #Pi0W / #Pi0 even #IT professors can't get it to work in any other mode than 720p60...
#IT #pi0 #Pi0W #bpi0m2 #bananapi #competitors #clones #cm4 #RaspberryPi
@ethanOS thx but I'm still figuring out how to get the #BananaPiZeroM2 #BPi0M2 working as a drop-in replacement for the @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0W & #Pi0 since #RaspberryPi seems more unwilling than unable to get units sold via their distributors at #MSRP.
Cuz the scalpers charge €60+ for a #Pi0W and €120+ for a #Pi0 v1.3 when both are actually €10 and €5 MSRP.
Industrial customers however seem to get double-digit numbers at MSRP just fine...
#msrp #RaspberryPi #pi0 #Pi0W #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2
@B_Whitewind The problem is that there ain't actually good @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 replacements /alternatives.
I mean the #BananaPi #PiZero M2 / #BPi0M2 works but it not only 6x the MSRP of the #Pi0 v1.3 but also has far worse #Software #Support...
#support #Software #bpi0m2 #pizero #bananapi #pi0
@Natanox As much as I'd consider alternatives to @Raspberry_Pi since their stuff is being scalped beyond insane, a lot of those suffer from poor software support, worse availability and even higher prices.
That being said I do use a #BananaPiZeroM2 / #BPi0M2 since the #Pi0/#Pi0W is being scalped >10x it's #MSRP and I've yet to find a good #CM4 / #Pi4B replacement that isn't out of production, double the price or unsupported by even @ubuntu or #Debian...
#Debian #Pi4B #cm4 #msrp #pi0 #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2
@HackyScientress Ich würd's sehr begrüßen und IMHO könntest du sogar von der #RuneAudio - Community möglicherweise preorders einsammeln.
Bonuspunkte wenn auch #USB als Schnittstelle unterstützt wird für weitere Plattformen sowie als "HBB" [Header Below Board] [bspw. #Pi0W & #BananaPi #BPi0M2... staclable...
#bpi0m2 #bananapi #Pi0W #USB #runeaudio