Political prisoner and wife get #mural in East# Oakland
On Monday, April 24, friends and family joined together to celebrate the unveiling of a new mural on the East Oakland Youth Development Center. The mural holds significance for many reasons – from the rich history of radical #BlackPower the Black Panthers held onto to form their organization and to protect their community to the depiction of Black lovers.
The lovers in question are none other than #Mumia Abu Jamal and his late wife #Wadiya Jamal, who passed away last year near Christmas. Mumia Abu Jamal, the Black Panther Party’s Minister of Information for the Philly chapter, has been wrongfully imprisoned for 41 years. Despite the circumstances, Mumia, his family and his many international followers have maintained hope and courage in the face of cruelty. (...)
#Mural #BlackPower #mumia #wadiya #bpp #PoliticalPrisoners #FreeMumia #freethemall
Eine Nachricht von Mumia Abu-Jamal,
ich habe Mumia gestern gesehen, und er war tief betroffen von dem Schlag, der Schwere, der herzzerreißenden Enttäuschung: dass die Freiheit wieder aufgeschoben wird.
Ich brachte ihm die 38-seitige "Stellungnahme" von Richterin #Clemons. Er las die Worte sorgfältig und holte zuerst seine Lesebrille aus seiner Hemdtasche. Er beugte sich vor und las jede einzelne Zeile. Worte, die geschrieben wurden, um ihn zu begraben. Worte, die dazu bestimmt waren, die Hoffnung auszulöschen. Seiten, die ihn binden würden. Ein Gutachten, das die Leibesvisitation vor und nach jedem Besuch beibehalten würde. Eine Anordnung, die ihm das Essen und die Bewegung verweigern würde, die sein gebrochenes Herz und sein Herzleiden heilen könnten. Seiten, die ihn von seinen Urenkeln, seinen Brüdern, seinen Söhnen, seiner Tochter trennen. Worte, die ihn daran hindern, die heilende Umarmung seines Volkes zu empfangen, während er um #Wadiya, seine im Dezember nach 41 Jahren verstorbene Frau, weint und trauert.
#Knast #USA #Philadephia #FreeMumia #FreeThemAll #PoliticalPrisoners #BPP #BlackPantherParty
#clemons #wadiya #knast #USA #Philadephia #FreeMumia #freethemall #PoliticalPrisoners #bpp #BlackPantherParty
Gestern war ein voller Podcast-Abend. In Folge 05 von "Becker & Pfeiffer" geht's um den DFB und das Sponsoring des Nationalteams (f) durch Vorwerk; die Turbulenzen im französischen Fußball; die WADA; und wie immer noch einiges mehr.
#podcast #fußball #dfb #fff #doping #wm2023 #KackspechtDerWoche #BPP
#podcast #fußball #dfb #fff #doping #wm2023 #kackspechtderwoche #bpp
Gordon Parks on Stokely Carmichael.
#BlackHistory #BPP #Photography #GordonParks #StokelyCarmichael
#stokelycarmichael #gordonparks #Photography #bpp #blackhistory
Happy Birthday, Huey! "The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man." #HueyNewton #BlackHistoryMonth #BPP #BlackPanthers
#hueynewton #blackhistorymonth #bpp #blackpanthers
Les #BlackPanthers contre l’Empire
#MoisDeLHistoireDesNoirs #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #BlackPantherParty #BPP #PanthèresNoires #BlackLiberation #BlackPower #MouvementsAntiracistes
#lautjournal #mouvementsantiracistes #blackpower #blackliberation #pantheresnoires #bpp #blackpantherparty #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #moisdelhistoiredesnoirs #blackpanthers
When i made this Masto account i expected myself to post mostly artsy things/ updates ( and i will) but as of late ive been on such a ProBlack/Black Liberation high. So that said. I recommend everyone watch Judas and the Black Massiah currently on HBO. Its a great insight into how the United States historically have viewed/ treated Black Revolutionaries. #Black #blackhistory #BPP #socialism https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjtGqRXQ9Y
#socialism #bpp #blackhistory #black
Reminder that the #BPP started school lunch programs. #FredHampton #BlackPantherParty #BlackHistoryMonth
#bpp #FredHampton #blackpantherparty #blackhistorymonth
Verkoop Podiumkadokaart in Coronajaar 2022 alweer terug op niveau 2013.
Mooi bericht van de Stichting Promotie Theater- en Concertbezoek: vorig jaar gingen we weer best vaak uit na de lockdowns, en gaven we elkaar ook best vaak een unieke ervaring cadeau. Er werden 138.000 podiumbezoeken cadea
#vscd #theaterbon #sptc #pokadoka #bpp #PODIUMKUNST #erfgoed #DONATIEGEVRAAGD #ACTUEEL
Portrait of Ashanti Alston speaking at AK Press. Check out his talk online: “Ashanti Alston on the Black Panthers and Zapatistas”. Find the transcript and this artwork in the first issue of “Grietas: A Journal of Zapatista Thought and Horizons: Autonomy from Below and the the Left in the U.S.”, which you can now order from bookshop.org or your fave Indy bookstore
#AshantiAlston #BlackAnarchism #BlackPantherParty #BPP #BlackLiberationArmy #BLA #EZLN #Zapatistas #Art #Charcoal #CharcoalArt
#ashantialston #blackanarchism #blackpantherparty #bpp #BlackLiberationArmy #bla #ezln #zapatistas #Art #charcoal #charcoalart
Jalil Muntaqim speaks Cornell University for the Black Panther Party Commemoration (10/27/22)
WATCH https://youtu.be/nZwJ_S1lN4A
#BlackPantherParty #BlackLiberationArmy #BPP #Lecture #JalilMuntaqim #BlackMastodon #BlackLiberation #Genocide #PIC #Abolition #Socialism #LiberateOurElders
#blackpantherparty #BlackLiberationArmy #bpp #lecture #JalilMuntaqim #BlackMastodon #BlackLiberation #genocide #pic #Abolition #socialism #liberateourelders
Jalil Muntaqim speaks Cornell University for the Black Panther Party Commemoration (10/27/22)
#BlackPantherParty #BlackLiberationArmy #BPP #Lecture #JalilMuntaqim #BlackMastodon #BlackLiberation #Genocide #PIC #Abolition #Socialism #LiberateOurElders
#blackpantherparty #BlackLiberationArmy #bpp #lecture #JalilMuntaqim #BlackMastodon #BlackLiberation #genocide #pic #Abolition #socialism #liberateourelders
HELP I wrote a 2350 word comparative historical analysis of the Kurdistan Workers Party (#PKK), the #Zapatistas (#EZLN), the Black Panthers (#BPP) and their successors, and the Communist Party of the Philippines (#CPP) instead of studying OR writing the papers I NEEDED to write.
Somebody asked me if change was possible inside the CPP and I HAD TO WRITE 2350 words on it TODAY. WHY. Why am I compelled by autism and ADHD to write this??
#pkk #zapatistas #ezln #bpp #cpp
HELP I wrote a 2350 word comparative historical analysis of the Kurdistan Workers Party (#PKK), the #Zapatistas (#EZLN), the Black Panthers (#BPP) and their successors, and the Communist Party of the Philippines (#CPP) instead of studying OR writing the papers I NEEDED to write.
Somebody asked me if change was possible inside the CPP and I HAD TO WRITE 2350 words on it TODAY. WHY. Why am I compelled by autism and ADHD to write this??
#pkk #zapatistas #ezln #bpp #cpp
Deze 28 unieke verhalen leverden de meeste donaties op in 2022!
Zoals je weet is Cultuurpers een belangrijke stem in de culturele nieuwsvoorziening. We zijn opgericht in 2009, in een tijd dat alle kranten en omroepen hun kunstredactie verkleinden, en veel zzp-kunstjournalisten op straat stonden. De uitg
#ACTUEEL #WORDLID #bpp #coöperatie #lezerscoöperatie #musicalgate #Rotterdam #vscd
#vscd #rotterdam #musicalgate #lezerscooperatie #cooperatie #bpp #wordlid #ACTUEEL
#LastPoets #ForTheMillions #BlackLivesMatter #BPP
If you don't know about the Last Poets, you definitely should.
#bpp #BlackLivesMatter #forthemillions #lastpoets