Why waste tty1 on getty, when you can have bpytop there instead!
Sure, you don't get the prettiest version because Linux's console is a vt100, but it's still fun when KVMing to a server.
Here's some Ansible to configure this on Ubuntu 22.04: https://gist.github.com/cmsj/69b214a5c2cbe6057a9d68eebf35cb0d
(note that this is running as nobody/nogroup and has a directory on disk with that ownership, which is bad practice)
#sysadmin #linux #ansible #bpytop #ubuntu
Messing with #BpyTOP. I find it soothing. On the other hand I'm missing something obvious about #Ventoy. I thought making a bootable USB was the whole point...? And on the other other hand the #3GracesComplex is back in play.
#bpytop #Ventoy #3gracescomplex #actuallyautistic
All righty! One Bash shell is automatically #BpyTOP, and the next BBC~ according to its cursor (inasmuch as I only use the #Tor browser to check the news). The latter is still labeled "Terminal" on top though. ॰॰॰Fired up Theseus, aa-aaand we're back to the ever ephemeral Green #VoidLinux. I had attempted to install #BlendOS on the black 1T SSD last night from Purple (Kingston USB keys), but the system froze whilst I was in the kitchen, don't ask me why.
#bpytop #tor #voidlinux #blendos
Today's #random number is 789,234,088,261,062. Computer Suite 14.5 ℃, Futon Room 9.4, NE Deck 9.2. Updated the kernel to 5.22.10-generic from 5.19.0-31-generic using Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer and it went slicker than snail snot. I like to get under the hood once in a while. Fools tread and all that. Running #BpyTOP because it's pretty and informative (and so should you).
Je viens d'installer cet "émulateur" de données dans mon terminal, sur #Raspbian : #BpyTOP . Merci au créateur !! C'est génial :D
I've just discovered #bpytop and since, my life is not quiet the same... :D
Compiling system updates...
#nixos #bpytop #gentoo #oopsactuallynotgentoo #screenshot
New fan and thermal compound and now I have to actually look at #bpytop to see if my machine is actually compiling with all the cores 😆
Noodlings 23 | Not Fading Yet #podcast #GamingRack #openSUSE #Bpytop #Repair #HP #EliteBook #Dell #ComputerChronicles #ArtificialIntelligence #1984
#artificialintelligence #computerchronicles #dell #elitebook #hp #repair #bpytop #opensuse #GamingRack #podcast
In an effort to get caught up on the latest in #terminal system monitoring tool hotness, I have been using with #Bpytop on @openSUSE and in a word, "wow". What an incredible interface that is incredibly accessible. My new "must have" app on #Linux