A new #FilmsTRIPS #podcast is out! This time, Andrew and I take a look at director #RichardFleischer's #Compulsion: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-04-18T14_19_01-07_00 #DeanStockwell #OrsonWelles #BradfordDillman #DianeVarsi #RichardDZanuck
#richarddzanuck #dianevarsi #bradforddillman #orsonwelles #deanstockwell #compulsion #richardfleischer #podcast #filmstrips
#TheBoldOnes s1e13 (1969) - 8/10
Intelligent drama.
1️⃣ Surgeons #BradfordDillman and #JohnSaxon butt heads over the application of an experimental technique.
2️⃣ But, in keeping with the mature tone of the show, they remain professional and cordial throughout. Even when Dillman’s character leaves the Craig Institute to set up shop somewhere else.
3️⃣ There’s also a million-dollar grant in the picture, adding even more conflict.
📺 My 355th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h13m of TV, per day.
#theboldones #bradforddillman #johnsaxon #tvreview
51 years ago today:
Mission: Impossible
S6E16: Stone Pillow (aka Big House)
A private detective, Edison, has pictures incriminating Syndicate boss Vochek in a murder and is using them to blackmail the mobster. The IMF need to get the pictures to get Vochek convicted, but Edison has been convicted and is in prison for six months. Since Edison is unaware that his accomplice L...
Airdate: 1972-01-08
#BradfordDillman #JockGaynor #MissionImpossible #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#bradforddillman #jockgaynor #missionimpossible #classictv #tv #television