St Mary's, Brading. Tomb of William Howlys, died 1520. The inscription reads: Jesu have merci on William Howlys sowl amen MCCCCCXX. On the cusp of the Reformation, prayers for his soul are not requested as would have been the case in earlier days.
#brading #Church #medieval #history #tomb
A beautiful modern mosaic at Brading Roman Villa. I should have taken a close up of the leaves on the 'trunk', they were amazing!
#brading #bradingromanvilla #mosaic
Medusa's head on a mosaic at Brading Roman Villa. It looks like her head is skew whiff, but the drop of blood hanging from the bottom left hand snake is vertical, suggesting that the orientation is intentional. (Apparently a drop of Medusa's blood could bring the dead back to life.)
#roman #mosaic #archaeology #brading #medusa
This mysterious individual on one of the mosaics at Brading Roman villa is difficult to interpret. He may represent Abraxas, a divine being from Gnosticism, the demonic god of light and darkness, associated with the cults of the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Persian god Mithras. This cockerel-headed figure is not known from anywhere else in the Roman empire.
#roman #mosaic #archaeology #brading #Abraxas
Today I actually was able to get out of bed and I started working on my treatment for my new musical — The Molly Downer Story.
My New Years Eve has been spending mulling this over and getting ready to really plot things out, ready to sit down with my composers so we can write the score and lyrics.
The story is about the last witch from #Brading on the #IsleOfWight .
It is a story that has consumed me for many years and it has been stuck in the front of my mind for the last month and needs to come out.
Stay tuned for updates — here is some teaser #artwork / #poster
What are you up to tonight?
#brading #isleofwight #artwork #poster #witch #witchcraft #newyearseve #folklore
A little #GothicAdvent action -- here is a little preview of my next project.
The story of Molly Downer, the Witch of #Brading -- her tragic life of lost love, betrayal and persecution.
#IsleOfWight #MollyDowner #Witch #Musical #Folklore #Magic #LGBTQ #FolkHorror #Horror #Witchcraft #Pagan
#gothicadvent #brading #isleofwight #mollydowner #witch #musical #folklore #magic #lgbtq #folkhorror #horror #witchcraft #pagan
For this #MosaicMonday, I though I would share my favourite #mosaic. It’s from #Brading #Roman Villa on the #IsleOfWight. It’s of a Cock-headed man and I think he’s absolutely amazing.
It’s thought that the figure lampoons a gladiator (or venator) called "Gallus" since the name means "cockerel" in Latin. It has even been suggested that the figure lampoons the emperor of the #Eastern #RomanEmpire #Constantius #Gallus (ruled 351–354)
There is a bit of #Folklore that said the Cockerel Man is an image of a local god from the Isle of Wight; there is of course no evidence for this, just a bit of a fun, tall-tale.
#mosaicmonday #mosaic #brading #roman #isleofwight #eastern #romanempire #constantius #gallus #folklore #history #histodon #histodons
#Friday gets it’s name from the #AngloSaxon #Goddess Frīg (Pronounced Free-ya, with a rolling r). She was the Devine queen, the Devine Feminine, Wife of Ƿōden (#Woden pronounced Whooden).
Island #folklore says that #Brading (below) was the site of worship for Frīg, and after the defeat of #Arwald, the last #Pagan king, the land was reconsecrated for Mary, and made the the mother church of the #IsleOfWight
On nights like this, Frīg still be walks the #wyrd
#folktaleweek2022 #folktaleweek #wyrd #isleofwight #pagan #arwald #brading #folklore #woden #goddess #anglosaxon #friday
Les extensions internet personnalisées : quelles opportunités pour les #marques ? Retour sur le premier petit déjeuner #Afnic par @MichelFlandinFr #branding #marketing #webmarketing
Custom Internet extensions: the opportunities for #brands - Review of the first #Afnic Breakfast on #BrandTLDs by @MichelFlandinFr #ICANN #NewgTLDs #brading #marketing #webmarketing
#afnic #branding #marketing #webmarketing #brading #brands #brandtlds #icann #newgtlds #marques