Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Idaho Governor Signs Unprecedented Out-of-State Abortion Travel Ban, Calling It 'Trafficking' #Jezebel #typesofabortionrestrictionsintheunitedstates #mistiedellicarpinitolman #health2cmedical2cpharma #reproductiverights #humanreproduction #plannedparenthood #rac3ballabrador #abortionclinic #socialissues #bradlittle #andrewbeck #mikemoyle #abortion #labrador #rtt
#jezebel #typesofabortionrestrictionsintheunitedstates #mistiedellicarpinitolman #health2cmedical2cpharma #reproductiverights #humanreproduction #plannedparenthood #rac3ballabrador #abortionclinic #socialissues #bradlittle #andrewbeck #mikemoyle #abortion #labrador #rtt
If adults help minors cross state lines without their parents’ consent, they’re guilty of the newly-invented crime and face years in prison.
#abortion #idaho #abortionbans #bradlittle #abortiontrafficking #Gender #extremism #News
#abortion #idaho #abortionbans #bradlittle #abortiontrafficking #gender #extremism #News
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Meet Republicans’ New Boogeyman: So-Called ‘Abortion Trafficking’ #Jezebel #unitedstatesantiabortionmovement #abortionintheunitedstates #minorsandabortion #humanreproduction #sexualrevolution #americansociety #elisabethsmith #lindseygraham #susanrinkunas #barbaraehardt #socialissues #bradlittle #andrewbeck #abortion #labrador #politics #roevwade #jezebel #humans #roe
#jezebel #unitedstatesantiabortionmovement #abortionintheunitedstates #minorsandabortion #humanreproduction #sexualrevolution #americansociety #elisabethsmith #lindseygraham #susanrinkunas #barbaraehardt #socialissues #bradlittle #andrewbeck #abortion #labrador #politics #roevwade #Humans #roe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Idaho Set to Create New Crime of 'Abortion Trafficking' #Jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #sexualreproduction #humanreproduction #unitedstateslaw #socialissues #bradlittle #law2ccrime #toddlakey #abortion #politics #articles #health #rtt
#jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #sexualreproduction #humanreproduction #unitedstateslaw #socialissues #bradlittle #law2ccrime #toddlakey #abortion #politics #articles #health #rtt
Idaho governor signs firing squad execution bill into law, making it the latest state to turn to older methods of capital punishment amid a nationwide shortage of lethal-injection drugs
Under the new law, firing squads will not be the first option and will only be utilized for executions when the drugs necessary for a lethal injection are unavailable.
#firingsquadexecutionbill #bradlittle #lockhartvmedia
Idaho governor signs legislation allowing execution by firing squad #idaho #BradLittle