[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1649713442507325441]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: @SalsbergMathews @dopaminetheft The inconsistencies of this disease are stunning! I never know from hour to hour I am completely off and I have a Keynote to offer this morning. I may have to get an interpreter at this rate… Fingers crossed. #Dystonia #Freezing #Bradykinesia #neuropathy #Sciatica Let’s dance!
#dystonia #freezing #bradykinesia #neuropathy #sciatica
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1639650940390375424]
RT @KathleenKiddo: I'm stuck! https://t.co/aXoqXganmG via @YouTube #Parkisnonslookslikeme #YOPD #Parkisnons #Offtimes #Dystonia #Bradykinesia #kathleenkiddo
#parkisnonslookslikeme #yopd #parkisnons #offtimes #dystonia #bradykinesia #kathleenkiddo
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1638159833319743490]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: When meds fail completely and MDs offer no viable treatment. Then what? Without warning and following the same schedule (or not), my body is capable/walking, then suddenly #off #paralytic #dystonia #agony #rigidity #disability #Bradykinesia #sciatica #YOPD #DBS #falling #loss
#off #paralytic #dystonia #agony #rigidity #disability #bradykinesia #sciatica #yopd #DBS #falling #loss
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1616107044309803014]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: @Parkinsonsandme Parkinson’s medications lose their efficacy over time so we are forced into the torture of prescribing and deprescribing, repeatedly. The equivalent of playing whack-a-mole! #yopd #Parkinsonsdisease #oldschoolParkie #huntingdopamine #chronicpain #dystonia #bradykinesia #PwP
#yopd #ParkinsonsDisease #oldschoolparkie #huntingdopamine #chronicpain #dystonia #bradykinesia #pwp