Two weekends ago I went to Braga with a group of great illustrators and cartoonists from Coruña to attend the opening of the exhibition "From Braga to Corunha nun risco", in which I participated with this modest portrait of Fernando Rey.
The weekend was very fun and relaxing. In which I finally got to know a little bit of Portugal and a group of wonderful colleagues.
Thanks to all fellow cartoonists: Paula Esteban, Jorge Peral, Luis Sendon, Santy Gutiérrez, Alberto Taracido, Suso Cubeiro, Jano Viñuela, Xulia Pisón and, in particular, to Manel Cráneo for having organized the whole thing and count on me for this so cool project that, we hope, serves to make known a little more our city to everyone who comes to see it.
We’ll have it here next year, so we’ll keep reporting.
#Illustration #Drawing #Art #Portrait #Procreate #Exhibition #Ilustración #Dibujo #Arte #Retrato #Expo #Exposición #FernandoRey #Bragaemrisco #DiegoBurdío
#illustration #drawing #art #portrait #procreate #exhibition #ilustracion #dibujo #arte #retrato #expo #exposicion #fernandorey #bragaemrisco #diegoburdio