Though I can’t access the experience of mushroom selfhood or butterfly selfhood—I can’t know what it’s like to be those people—there is some relationship between the mushroom and me, the butterfly and me, some common rouser or piper that pipes 'puhpowee' in the night and creates the conditions for all of our selves to emerge, however different they are from each other.
#BraidingSweetgrass #Zhuangzi #Identity #Self #RobinWallKimmerer #IndigenousKnowledge #Daoism #Taoism
#braidingsweetgrass #zhuangzi #identity #self #RobinWallKimmerer #indigenousknowledge #daoism #taoism
4/ It took me a long time to finish it, and it is quite long, but I hope it captures my thought process, or the connection I see between these two texts and why it matters.
#WritingCommunity #Zhuangzi #Daoism #Taoism #BraidingSweetgrass #Mushrooms #Butterfly #Mushtadon #Fungi #Fungiverse #Self #Identity @writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #zhuangzi #daoism #taoism #braidingsweetgrass #mushrooms #butterfly #mushtadon #fungi #fungiverse #self #identity
1/ I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but whenever I read a new book I'm always thinking about ways it connects or relates to all the other books I've read.
Naturally, because I tend to reread a lot of the same things (like #Thoreau and #Zhuangzi) I tend to more easily find connections between new books and those more familiar ones.
When I first read #BraidingSweetgrass a few years ago I immediately felt many, many connections to both.
#Thoreau #zhuangzi #braidingsweetgrass
I know this is the *ideal* time to post a nearly 4000 word blog post on selfhood, identity, fungi, and butterflies. Who doesn't want to spend their Friday night reading long personal musings about Daoism and indigenous knowledge???
@writingcommunity #WritingCommunity #Daoism #Taoism #Zhuangzi #BraidingSweetgrass #IndigenousKnowledge
#writingcommunity #daoism #taoism #zhuangzi #braidingsweetgrass #indigenousknowledge
Dropping #BraidingSweetgrass bc of the author gleefully describing how she bought domestic ducks and killed them via neglect. Why do no reviews mention this? She says "every day there was one less duck" and "I secretly contemplated spraying them with fox lure. Or tying slices of roast beef to their legs in hopes of interesting the coyotes" because she didn't like taking care of them. So much for "reciprocity" and seeing animals as people and all that. #BookReview #Hoopla
#braidingsweetgrass #bookreview #hoopla
#braidingSweetgrass ‘s chapter Sitting In A Circle is my favorite so far. Cried while reading it, incredibly beautiful
It's absolutely mind-blowing to me that people think #LandBack is just saying that won't go anywhere, or even shouldn't. I'm reading #BraidingSweetgrass and she's talking about the local population of black ash trees, and how they thrive in communities of basket-makers—the people who harvest them! The land doesn't benefit from a hands-off, "back to nature" plan. For thousands of years it thrived BECAUSE of humans. JUST NOT THE ONES CURRENTLY IN CHARGE. So yeah, genuinely, #LANDBACKNOW
#landback #braidingsweetgrass #landbacknow
This is an excellent analysis on the danger of the white use of #BraidingSweetgrass. (Thanks to @miki_lou for the article.)
"...Braiding Sweetgrass does not tend to the citational politics Sara Ahmed & others teach us about"
"Without the citational politics that tend to these deep lineages of work, non-Indigenous readers are wont to...think that pan-Indigenous discourses can be forced onto all Indigenous contexts."
🧵 1/2
@bethsawin worldviews constructed, presented and explored within the scaffolding of specific languages. I was intrigued by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer's descriptions of the language of the Potawatomi in #BraidingSweetgrass. A verb based language where humans, non-human relatives as well as bodies of water are being or doing rather than simply existing. Other #Indigenous writers frequently reflect on this difference of framing, relationally.
#braidingsweetgrass #indigenous
@progressiveartist @bookstodon thank you for this description of the book! Wonder how the audiobook of #braidingSweetgrass is? Anyone?