How #Syngenta withheld a study on #glyphosate and brain damage for more than 20 years
In 2001, a researcher at pesticide manufacturer Syngenta noticed that newborn rats moved less after their mothers were given glyphosate, which is widely used in agriculture. European authorities were not shown the study until last year.
By @stevenfrolke and @lucasbrouwers
#pesticides #neonicotinoid #braindamage #EFSA_EU #EFSA_EU
#neurotoxic #roundup #nrc
#syngenta #glyphosate #pesticides #neonicotinoid #braindamage #EFSA_EU #neurotoxic #roundup #nrc
Recent extensive evidence indicates that air pollution, in addition to causing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, may also negatively affect the brain and contribute to central nervous system diseases.
#AirPollution #disease #Alzheimers #Autism #NeuroInflammation #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #Neurotoxicity #OxidativeStress
#BrainDamage #disease #mortality #death
#airpollution #disease #alzheimers #autism #neuroinflammation #neurodegenerativediseases #neurodevelopmentaldisorders #neurotoxicity #oxidativestress #braindamage #mortality #death #climatechange
Effects of air pollution on the nervous system.
Recent extensive evidence indicates that air pollution, in addition to causing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, may also negatively affect the brain and contribute to central nervous system diseases.
#AirPollution #disease #Alzheimers #Autism #NeuroInflammation #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #Neurotoxicity #OxidativeStress
#BrainDamage #disease #mortality #death
#airpollution #disease #alzheimers #autism #neuroinflammation #neurodegenerativediseases #neurodevelopmentaldisorders #neurotoxicity #oxidativestress #braindamage #mortality #death #climatechange
Day 1,255
#Pandemic #SarsCoV2
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #MaskUp #Aerosols #NewVariants #BringBackMasks #BringBackPCRs #Disabled #MassDisabling #WeAreNotOK #VascularDisease #ImmuneSystemDamage #CognitiveIssues #BrainDamage #POTS #MECFS #Superspreader #MasksWork #ImproveAirInSchools #CorsiRosenthal #N95 #KN94 #KidsGetCovidToo #ExcessDeaths #FromCovid #WithCovid #WeAreOnOurOwn
#EveryoneIsSickOfThis #DenialIsNotSafe #CovidIsNotDoneWithYou #StaySafe #Please
#pandemic #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #longcovid #maskup #aerosols #newvariants #bringbackmasks #bringbackpcrs #disabled #massdisabling #wearenotok #vasculardisease #immunesystemdamage #cognitiveissues #braindamage #pots #mecfs #superspreader #maskswork #improveairinschools #corsirosenthal #n95 #kn94 #kidsgetcovidtoo #excessdeaths #fromcovid #withcovid #weareonourown #everyoneissickofthis #denialisnotsafe #covidisnotdonewithyou #staysafe #please
Met iedere studie blijkt glyfosaat schadelijker te zijn. Wat heeft een Natuurherstelwet voor zin als dit weer voor 15 jaar wordt toegelaten?? #teamplanet #roundup #glyphosat #parkinson #braindamage #biodiversiteit #eu
#eu #biodiversiteit #braindamage #parkinson #glyphosat #roundup #teamplanet
Funny enough, I was just talking about kids being forced back to #school, not wearing #masks getting #BrainDamage from #Covid with the preschool teacher (who masks!) I met yesterday. We both also raved about @jessicawildfire
#CovidIsNotOver #LongCovid #PACS
#school #masks #braindamage #covid #covidisnotover #longcovid #pacs
Strokes cause brain damage
But transcranial stimulation
Might help reduce harm
#strokes #braindamage #transcranialstimulation #haiku #poetry
#strokes #braindamage #transcranialstimulation #haiku #poetry
TITLE: Manic Episodes and Brain Damage?
I have a client asking if manic episodes can cause brain damage.
Hmmm... I know they are supposed to get worse if left untreated...
Anyone have links to research on either:
1) Manic episodes and brain damage, or
2) Manic episodes and disease progression and prognosis.
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD
#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #research
@psychotherapist @psychology @socialpsych
@socialwork #bipolar #manicdepressive #depression #manic
#braindamage #prognosis @psychotherapists #psychiatrists
#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #research #bipolar #manicdepressive #depression #manic #braindamage #prognosis #psychiatrists
🟥🎚️🎵🎶 Première soirée du #Solstice de Beaulieu, le son est monté crescendo sur la place du Maréchal-Leclerc de #BeaulieuLèsLoches, jusqu’à en faire trembler les murs à minuit passé.
📰 La #NouvelleRépublique
:mastodon: #Soundcheck #Techno #presse #Touraine #LaNR
#WesternBaklava #BrainDamage #DjBalkaliente
#Opac #LesFox's #TeKeMaT #CrossroadsBluesBand4tet
#Kalliópê #UltraMoule #SmokeyJoe&TheKid #Edwyx
#solstice #beaulieulesloches #nouvellerepublique #soundcheck #techno #presse #touraine #lanr #westernbaklava #braindamage #djbalkaliente #opac #lesfox #tekemat #crossroadsbluesband4tet #kalliope #ultramoule #smokeyjoe #edwyx
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon
#braindamage #thedarksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd
by #PemaLevy in #MotherJones:
"Owen, 62, endured years of abuse as a child, a brain injury, and mental illness, according to a 1999 court issued sentencing order. He has also been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Until his parents’ deaths—his mother passed when Owen was 11, his father committed suicide when he was 13—he grew up in a home filled with sexual abuse. Owen then entered an orphanage where where sexual abuse was also rampant and he began using drugs and alcohol. The 1999 sentencing order notes that Owen had suffered 'one of the more horrific childhoods' the court had seen. In 1981, a jacked-up car fell on his head, causing brain damage. In 1984, he assaulted and killed two women. He has repeatedly told psychiatric experts examining his mental state that he thought the assaults would help him into a woman."
#Florida #DeathPenalty #CapitalPunishment #LethalInjection #execution #DeathRow #MentalIllness #schizophrenia #insanity #BrainDamage #SexualAbuse #GenderDysphoria
#pemalevy #motherjones #florida #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #lethalinjection #execution #deathrow #mentalillness #schizophrenia #insanity #braindamage #sexualabuse #genderdysphoria
New research is showing that #LongCovid #BrainDamage looks more like clumping than death, as viral spike proteins (don't worry, MRNA vaccine spikes are harmless) fuse neurons together into malfunctioning clusters, which then all fire together in sync (90%) or stop firing altogether (10%)
It's hypothesized that this is advantageous because the virus can live and travel within connected cells like a subway, avoiding detection by the immune cells outside
#Spikeproteins in #COVID19 #vaccines can cause #braindamage, neurosurgeon says
#spikeproteins #COVID19 #vaccines #braindamage
Got to keep the loonies on the path
#braindamage #thedarksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd
Ethiopia used chemicals to kill locusts. Billions of honeybees disappeared #chlorpyrifos #braindamage
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
#braindamage #thedarksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd
Association dédiée aux professionnels du soin et de l’expertise des personnes victimes d’un traumatisme crânien, une communauté de personnes qui souffrent d’un manque sévère de visibilité.
#BrainDamage #InvisibleDisability
#braindamage #invisibledisability
Some of the best advice surrounding brain injury recovery comes from other brain injury survivors. We sent out a request to get the brain injury community's best tips and compiled them in an article on @biaamerica website.