A. Rivera · @bloodravenlib
609 followers · 11113 posts · Server mas.to

More on the forming in out of the red US states from The Chronicle of Higher Ed.

>In These Red States, Professors Are Eyeing the Exits

#boycott #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #braindrain #highered #academia #exodus

Last updated 1 year ago

Saupreiss #Präparat500 · @Saupreiss
439 followers · 6917 posts · Server pfalz.social

Wo man von von ausgebildeten aus dem Ausland spricht, um den zu bekämpfen, darf man eines nicht vergessen:

Man grast damit die anderer Länder ab und verursacht dort ggf einen .

Das möchte ich nicht als Argument gegen verstanden wissen. Aber uns fehlt das Bewusstsein dafür, dass auch das Teil des an anderen ist, den wir zur Vermeidung von ( gehört dazu) betreiben.

#zuwanderung #fachkraften #fachkraftemangel #bildungsinvestitionen #braindrain #migration #raubbaus #zukunftsinvestitionen #bildung

Last updated 1 year ago

𐪅𐪀𐪈 𐪑𐪁𐪉 · @WahbAllat
300 followers · 400 posts · Server mas.to

I shouldn't be surprised that China caught up and quickly with US tech companies. As someone who has worked for a few US tech companies myself, I have had more Chinese and Indian coworkers than American coworkers.


#braindrain #techwar #sinophobia #prc #China #USA #us

Last updated 1 year ago

Norobiik @Norobiik@noc.social · @Norobiik
483 followers · 7491 posts · Server noc.social

"But 's slide and 's ascent are both driven in large part by the same thing: people. Russia is suffering from acute brain drain while Indonesia's labor force is growing," the Council wrote.

"In particular, Indonesia's educated professional class is growing while Russia's is shrinking."

Russia's massive is ravaging the - these stunning figures show why it will soon be smaller than Indonesia's

#economy #braindrain #tootsea #ukraine #UkraineWar #indonesia #Russia

Last updated 1 year ago

Norobiik @Norobiik@noc.social · @Norobiik
472 followers · 7324 posts · Server noc.social

This is what a decaying, crumbling empire looks like.

"Endemic problems that have dogged the Russian space industry since the 1991 collapse of the . Those include the loss of key technologies in the post-Soviet industrial meltdown, the bruising impact of recent , a huge and widespread ."

A failed dents Russian pride and reflects deeper problems with 's space industry | AP News

#lunarmission #moon #Moscow #luna25 #corruption #braindrain #westernsanctions #sovietunion

Last updated 1 year ago

SeabirdSentinel · @SeabirdSentinel
85 followers · 119 posts · Server climatejustice.social

This week for was cut by $25 million, at a time when Antarctic ice loss is critically low (2.6 million square kilometers of sea ice have been lost, currently at the lowest levels in at least 120 yr). As a result of these budget cuts, important science projects including surveys of sea-ice thickness have been cancelled. Meanwhile, $200 million in funding has just been announced by the same government in the same week for .
Virtually every news broadcast has a dedicated sports segment played on (very frequent) loop around the clock in Australia. We have dedicated sports channels, radio blocked out for days at time. Our children can rattle off their favourite players jersey numbers along with endless stats about who won what game or medal. Yet when I speak with school groups NONE can answer the question “who’s your favourite Australian scientist?”. We are so fortunate to have WORLDCLASS scientists in Australia! Those individuals don’t do it for fame or fortune. In fact, most are employed on horrendous casual contracts, massively overworked, burdened with and woefully underpaid. They don’t get airtime. Their selflessness and dedication to the voiceless (nature) and greater good isn’t celebrated. We don’t win medals.

FFS Australia, teach your children about the real heroes. Fund those working to make society a better, safer, fairer place. Stop being distracted by pretty shiny things. Please, we are 💯 running out of time!



#funding #Antarctic #science #sports #ecogrief #ClimateCrisis #braindrain #biodiversitycrisis #pollutioncrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

scylla · @littlescylla
483 followers · 159 posts · Server baraag.net

had to do it when i saw from Ultimate Alien and some thingy

#gwen #ben10 #braindrain #hypno

Last updated 1 year ago

Thirsty Moogle · @trouffee
24 followers · 97 posts · Server thicc.horse

Since I'm using it as my icon here, I should probably be posting the full of this picture as well. The problem with having large ears is that, well, they're begging to be used...

Artwork by @vlue.

#furryart #tentacles #Aural #moogle #braindrain #hypnosis

Last updated 1 year ago

eicker.news #technews · @technews
84 followers · 814 posts · Server eicker.news

» are pulling back from and looking for alternatives: The comes as X has made it increasingly difficult for researchers to use its platform.« engadget.com/scientists-are-pu

#scientists #Twitter #braindrain #tech #media

Last updated 1 year ago

🇺🇸MelodyKayYoung🇺🇦 · @Melody
779 followers · 10623 posts · Server masto.ai

The purity tests of this textbook-defined fascism always move inwards, encompassing an increasing amount of people are undesirable. The attack on information won’t stop with tone or language or thought policing: soon “French” itself is the target-“we don’t need it, no one’s going to France, we don’t need to know about other countries, our culture is the only one that matters…” After rewroting or denying History, World Languages are next. Science, of course, too. Ignorance does harm.


Last updated 1 year ago

· @Newstarget
2230 followers · 22004 posts · Server brighteon.social
Prof. Tatiana Ilyina 🌊 O=C=O 🌍 · @TatianaIlyina
2392 followers · 1963 posts · Server mas.to

@vicgrinberg @DrEvanGowan @ct_bergstrom @Ruth_Mottram @carlosmoffat yes, this is a serious issue causing from earth science. Instead of analyzing the PETM climate (under precarious contract) an ECR knowledgeable in handling complex codes like earth system models can easily adapt to analyzing when and which ads to place on online shopping platforms. I „lost“ some of the best PhDs this way.

#IchbinHanna #braindrain

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4408 followers · 3833 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Nomsar · @nomsar
8 followers · 25 posts · Server mastodon.triggerphra.se

Wrote the I wanted, featuring , , rock and roll, and ideas from @flesh and @HypnoDrooling
"This is stupid." Kev said, fingering his new collar. The black wolf hated this dumb thing, but his girlfriend, the freak she is...

"It looks great on you." the rat remarked, affixing the clasp on the back of his collar, making it affix to him with a satisfying snap. Now that it was in place, she could let his long messy hair drop, and then gave him a kiss, "It make you cute."

The wolf snarled, "Zia..." he said, baring his teeth at her. She smiled at him and just lifted up her black tank top, showing him her chest, her pierced nipples, "I mean cuter. It makes you look cuter." she said, winking at him as the sight of her bare chest made him relax a bit. This was why she liked him honestly, he was big, dumb, mean, and messy. A perfect guitarist for the band. She worked the drums, and liked to think she had him wrapped around her finger...

But she didn't. He gave her a shove and walked away, "I'm not cute." He kept getting into fights with fans, venue owners... which sounds nice for a punk band like theirs, but an awful thing if you want to actually build a successful career. Still, this should fix it.


"This stupid thing...!" Kev snarled, tugging at the collar, stomping around backstage, furious. It hadn't come off in weeks! Zia was setting up her drumset when he decided to bark at her, "HEY! Zia! This dumb thing won't come off!"

The rat didn't even look up at him, "Yep, it wouldn't work if it did."

"What do you mean 'wouldn't work'? It's an accessory, it doesn't do anything, skank. Other than piss me off...!" he said, still fighting with it.

Zia shook her head, "Stop fighting with the collar, go tune your guitar, and I'll give you a treat."

Immediately, Kev's eyes lit up, "Treat?" and he smiled, an eager smile he'd never given in his life. His tail was wagging, and he stepped over to his amps, to set everything up. Oh boy! A treat!

Their koala bass player lit her cigarette, standing back and watching... this. She couldn't believe it, honestly. "He's not doing it as a bit?" she asked, as Zia turned on the electric clippers.

"Nope." the rat said, buzzing away a thick plume of hair from Kev's mane. He whined a little, "Collar's domesticating him, making him way nicer, way happier, and way, WAY more obedient." she said, as the fur fell to the floor in chunks.

The wolfdog pouted, "Collars don't do nothin'..." mumbled out the new perpetually confused Kev, he wasn't even as big as he used to be, his big tough body had become so lithe and... twinky in the past few months.

Zia began scratching behind Kev's ear, and he shut his eyes, whining still, trying to hold onto his thoughts, as the rat happily explained, "See Koma, there is one side-effect, and that's that it's shrinking his brain a bit."

The koala scoffed, "Pssh, how could you even tell the difference?"

The two girls laughed a bit, as Zia kept buzzing away, the poor dog trying and failing to hold onto his wild, angry thoughts... and failing.


#Hypnofic #braindrain #domestication

Last updated 1 year ago

🇺🇸MelodyKayYoung🇺🇦 · @Melody
731 followers · 9377 posts · Server masto.ai

@NovemberMan problem is, they will have a in and a lot of good folks can’t leave. But it wasn’t my fight. I’m not Texan. I just lived there. Texans need to fix this. They can start by making newcomers more welcome…!

#braindrain #texas #truth

Last updated 1 year ago

JustTooOdd · @JustToOdd
34 followers · 481 posts · Server nerdculture.de
Nomsar · @nomsar
6 followers · 16 posts · Server mastodon.triggerphra.se

The Most Dangerous Game but instead of hunting you for sport I have a tranq gun full of chemicals

#bimbo #braindrain #hypno

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1248 followers · 81861 posts · Server mstdn.social

@farbel @RustyBertrand @woody

It was without , that is the very thing that makes them better.

Kinda like the the @fsf would be better without permanently...

Like for real, do you know how much / # SpaceKaren and fuzzy-bearded pedo-apologist create each day?

#apartheitemeraldboy #braindrain #RMS #Musk

Last updated 1 year ago

Sylvie · @sesami
68 followers · 42 posts · Server troet.cafe

Leute, ich bin begeistert wie die EU es schafft, sich ein Bein nach dem anderen zu stellen. Neuerdings mit dem „Medizinprodukteverordnungsgesetz“.
Sperriger Name = noch viel sperrigere Idee.

Man möchte heulen oder zumindest mal richtig wütend werden: Irrsinn at it’s best. Kann man sich nicht ausdenken…


Und die Frage zum Schluss:
Warum tut die Ursel als Ärztin nichts dagegen? 🤔

#ursulavonderleyen #11km #braindrain #eu #medizinprodukteverornung

Last updated 1 year ago

Bonkers · @bonkers
11 followers · 790 posts · Server mstdn.social

der letzten Jahre ist eine direkte Konsequenz . Ist das Angebot anderswo besser, überlegt man, je nach Land, nicht lange. Selbstbild - Fremdbild, ,

#realitatsferne #kognitivedissonanz #konservativepolitik #skilldrain #braindrain #fachkraeftemangel

Last updated 1 year ago