@CactuarJoe Communism. A world of peace and prosperity through collaboration? Communism. Especially since they threw in the whole "we'll do it at the point of a gun if we have to" thing. Thus authoritarian as well. #monsterdon #braineaters
Need to take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. #monsterdon #braineaters
Interesting shot composition to end on. But weirdly abrut. Which is I guess all cheezy B monster movies. But still.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
"Fire the gun!"
"We belong dead!"
Frankensteined to death.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
Brain Eaters doing this world conquest backward and in heels.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
LOOK! It's the queen of the Subterranian Bran Slugs!
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
So the plan is to make a rope bridge slowly? Eh? What is going on here?
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
Oh I have been more focused on this one hour long cheezy movie than I thought I would. I forgot to eat my watermelon.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
Welcome to the film Leonard Nimoy! Or welcome to the film Lenoard's voice. And his Gandalf cosplay?
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
Everyone go inside The Cone! Into the fog... wait the cone has a fog bank? It has rooms? How far down did they go?
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
Oh that back hissing parasite breathing effect is pretty cool. very basic but appreciated.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
The parasites are ancient aliens?
Wait so what? Are they subteranian aliens? Did they use dinosaurs to build the cone in the past? This explaination just raises more questions.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
This old man has a bad ticker. Lock bastard.Got to go one the cone's wild ride one time before he died.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
If she sleeps like me, she's just gonna randomly kick the parasite to death. #restlesslegs #monsterdon #braineaters
#restlesslegs #Monsterdon #braineaters
Well that brain slug moves fast and jumps up onto a bed with the ease of a fat cat who wants to lay on your chest in the middle of the night.
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
Welcome back to the movie Orb Torgo and hatless Jughead.
How yall doing with them jam jars of death?
#Monsterdon #BrainEaters
So he's gonna put Parasites in her room? Could be worse. Could be bedbugs. Or he could fart through the window. #monsterdon #braineaters
@uptownsongclub Fez is ALWAYS in the running. /me looks at official DM fez.#monsterdon #braineaters