#PMR or, my favorite #XProcess help in letting go.
#Relaxation lets you go up in your #brainelevator and consequently re-asses your current situation in a healthy, peaceful way.
#brainelevator #relaxation #xprocess #PMR
Recently, I was impressed that someone found a "blueprint for the #psyche".
This is as amazing to me as Yuri Gargarin's search for God in the Earth's lower orbit.
In fact, in #psychoeducation we use models to explain psychical interactions and processes. Much of this is immediately plausible. Like the #brainelevator or the #ABCmodel.
But each model is only a tiny, highly simplified picture of the real, complex world.
#abcmodel #brainelevator #psychoeducation #psyche
What is a #brainelevator?
#CBT #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy uses an ABC model to explain how a general (A)ctivating event results in an individual (C)onsequence (emotion, physical reaction) through an individual (B)elief.
Example: You see a dog. You feel #fear, you might freak out. Because you believe it might harm you.
If everyone seeing a dog would have the same belief, they all would be scared. No one would love dogs or work with them.
So, in #CBT we question your conditioned...
#fear #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #cbt #brainelevator