Alright #Brainiacs and other smart people and #Rocket #Scientists can this be used on Earth to remove pollutants from breathable air?
#brainiacs #rocket #scientists
Dear #brainiacs in a box :oops:
As we know, we are partly plugged into the shared #reality
How will we enter the #real #constructs? :dragnthinkhappy:
… in other words, will we #imagine, stay in the #moment, practice #meditation to find #Self or just forget to #experience 😌
Maybe we will pamper the body sense gates, jellify eh jollify … our existence or sit cat like … :FoxHearts:
#experience #self #meditation #moment #imagine #constructs #real #reality #brainiacs
Coming to Paramount+ in 2023!!!
#StarTrek #WhatIf #LateShowShran #TNGTAS #AssignmentEarth #Quark #Stargazer #TheOTeam #Riker2Riker #AssignmentEarthTNG #TenForwardNights #TheCardassian #EverybodyLovesMartok #Brainiacs #CodeNameVash #TheVandE
#thevande #codenamevash #brainiacs #everybodylovesmartok #thecardassian #tenforwardnights #assignmentearthtng #riker2riker #theoteam #stargazer #quark #assignmentearth #tngtas #lateshowshran #whatif #startrek