I've got Mr. Roboto going just fucking full blast on #BrainRadio when things are supposed to be quieting down up there for sleep.
Like, it's so mentally loud that I keep turning down my actual sleep sounds because it feels like too many sounds at once.
Suddenly on #BrainRadio for the last hour or so. I cannot even remember the last time I heard this song outside my head.
I don't appreciate this being The Only Thing #brainradio has been playing today.
Woke up with Earth Wind and Fire's Spinning Wheel playing in the #JukeboxInMyHead
This song has been stuck on repeat on #BrainRadio for nigh on a week now.
I'm just ... the AUDACITY of asking, nay, demanding more from another person ... makes me uncomfortable, but also kind of in awe.
So the line:
"I don't know why you gotta be so undemanding"
Feels like it's targeted, accusingly, at me. As in, I'm aghast at all the demanding, and they say, "okay but, why the fuck aren't you demanding at all!?"
Shut up, song.
You can go west or east
Confess your sins to a priest
You can slay the wicked beast
But you can't ignore my techno
You can go to the doctor
You can cough in his face
Infect the whole human race
But you can't ignore my techno
Woke up with Prince in my head, which is always one of the strongest earworms for me.
#jukeboxinmyhead #earworm #brainradio
@plinth @SonOfSunTzu Clearly I need more inspirational #BrainRadio music to get up in the morning. This was mine today: https://youtu.be/Mxhlylz-a6M
@JoParkerBear @adhdeanasl Thanks, you just changed my #BrainRadio station through this gif alone
Usually #BrainRadio just exists in the background and I'll only really notice it if it starts repeating a song, or just a part of a song, or if it plays a song I hate.
However, sometimes there will be a song break that I notice because momentarily quieter than usual in my head. And then itl just start up at the beginning of the next song, all the louder because I was paying attention.
This just occured with Dancing Queen. Hah.
Probably explains why I have a #BrainRadio running all the time even when Iām not doing anything