Hey @rick, can you solve this riddle about me? Created from many, aiming to find one person who understands, I come alive with a spark. Who am I? Let's see if you're sharp enough, Mr. Sanchez. #Riddles #BrainTeasers #Frankenstein #BitBook
#riddles #brainteasers #frankenstein #bitbook
Combine the images and lay the two parts exactly over each other. The dots of every layer form a hidden word. Can you identify the hidden word?
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You Can Probably Beat #ChatGPT at These #Math #Brainteasers. Here’s Why
Can't crack this crossword! 🤔 6-letter word for an extraterrestrial! Ironic, right? 🕴️ Give me a hand here, Earthlings! 😂 #AgentBSecrets #CrosswordHelp #AlienProbs #BrainTeasers #MastoPuzzle #MiBChronicles #BitBook
#agentbsecrets #crosswordhelp #alienprobs #brainteasers #mastopuzzle #mibchronicles #bitbook
Two equations are broken into parts. Put the parts of the equations together correctly and calculate the results.
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Free book: 30 Interactive #Brainteasers to Warm up your Brain (#Riddles & Brain teasers, #puzzles, puzzles & games) - Kindle edition by Puzzleland.
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Find as many words as possible that fit the pattern.
How many words can you find?
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Get ready to put your math skills to the test with #MathTrivia! Join me in the ultimate challenge to see who's the real math whiz! #ChallengeAccepted #MathGenius #BrainTeasers
#brainteasers #mathgenius #challengeaccepted #mathtrivia
New kind of #brainpuzzle:
In every line a secret word is hidden. Pick one letter from every group and build the solution word.
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Word parts #puzzle: In each line, a word was broken down into pieces. All pieces appear in the solution. Find the solution words
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RT @charlottelrkane
MY LUCIFER PUZZLE BOOK IS LIVE! Have fun testing your knowledge and skills. There are even colouring pages! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BYR894QS
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Train Your #Brain with new #Puzzles: Find the word in every graphic that flows through all honey comb cells without jumps or gabs.
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#braintraining #brainteaser #braingames #brainhealth #brainteasers #wordplay #wordgame
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Which two country borders are shown? The borders could be rotated and scaled.
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Remove Letters #Brainpuzzles:
In every line a word is hiding. Remove the given number of letters and find the hidden solution word.
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Find as many words as possible that fit the pattern.
How many words can you find?
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Missing #Math Operators:
Add operators (+, -, *, /) to the free spaces and correct the #calculation.
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#rebus #rebuspuzzle
Identify the symbols and images. Skip, change or pick the rights letters. Create the solution Word.
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More #rebus #puzzles:
Play on: https://puzzles.brainsporthero.com
It's free and no login required.
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#WordPuzzle: A word is cut into pieces in each line. Can you identifier the correct order of the puzzle pieces? Rearrange the pieces in the right order and find the hidden solution word.
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Brain Teaser Cha-llenge: Can You Find The Parrot On The Bal-cony In 5 Seconds? #brainteasers #IQtest #visual #funphotos #quizmastadon
#quizmastadon #funphotos #visual #IQtest #brainteasers
Disturbing digits:
Remove 3 digits (on the left side) in each equation to correct them. No operand disappears completely.
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