Min forsinkede men velmente – nu på dansk. Så kører vi:

Jeg er en ’40-ish og tech entusiast fra . Det begyndte alt sammen med en Commodore 64 i start-90’erne. Jeg kan lide Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Knight Rider, AirWolf og The A-Team … nåja, og The Stand af Stephen King.

Jeg bor i en lille landsby med min kone, vores datter og vores Schæfer.

Jeg er IT konsulent og arbejder med , , og Risikostyring i aci.dk.

Jeg synes at værktøjer, processer og metodologier til personlig produktivitet er interessante. Jeg har været en ivrig udøver af i mange år og har haft det sjovt med at teste en masse forskellige værktøjer. Jeg (prøver) at praktisere og bruger for tiden , , , , og .

Jeg arbejder ikke I direkte med IT-teknik mere selvom jeg synes det også er spændende. Jeg kan lide at udforske ting i mit som fx , , , , , , , og masser af andre sjove projekter. .

Jeg kan lide både dansk og engelsk sprog; tale, skrive og grammatik. Desværre stinker jeg til tegnsætning.

Jeg kan godt lide at skrive med en god på papir af høj kvalitet. Det er en rar følelse. At skrive noter hjælper mig efter at have overlevet et – to blodpropper i hjernen – i 2021. Det resulterede at jeg har . Jeg mærker det mest ved, at jeg bliver træt lidt før end tidligere. At planlægge min dag og tage en morfar til middag er nødvendigt 👍 😴

Spørg mig om alt muligt – jeg elsker at diskutere, dele og lære!

For en god ordens skyld: Mine meninger og ytringer er mine egne.

#introduktion #itkonsulent #danmark #informationssikkerhed #osint #itil #kvantitativ #gtd #inboxzero #todoist #braintoss #obsidian #outlook #onenote #homelab #netværk #ubiquiti #proxmox #homeassistant #pihole #github #linux #jekyll #ansible #keeplearning #fyldepen #stroke #wallenbergsyndrom #dksocial #dkmastodon #DanskerTrut #nypamastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

My belated . Here we go:

I’m a 40-ish and tech enthusiast from . It all began with a Commodore 64 in the early 90’s. I like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Knight Rider, AirWolf, and The A-Team … oh yeah, and The Stand by Stephen King.

I live in a small village with my wife, our daughter, and our German Sheppard.

I am an IT professional working with , , , and Risk Management in aci.dk.

I find personal productivity tools, processes and methodologies very interesting. I’ve been an avid practitioner for many years and have had fun testing lots of different tools. I (try to) practice and currently have , , , , and in my toolbox.

I don’t work with hands-on technical IT anymore, although I still enjoy it. So I like tinkering in my with things like , , , , , , , and lots of other fun projects. .

I enjoy both the Danish and English language; speaking, writing and grammar. Alas, my punctuation sucks badly.

I find writing with a good on good quality paper to be very rewarding. It’s just a nice feeling. Creating notes is helpful for me, after surviving a stroke - two clots in my brain - in 2021. It resulted in what is called . Most notably, for me, I just get tired a bit faster than I used to. Planning my days and a nap around noon is necessary 👍 😴

Ask me about any and all of it - I’d love to discuss, share, and learn!

For good measure: Opinions are my own.

#mastodon #introduction #itprofessional #denmark #informationsecurity #osint #itil #quantitative #gtd #inboxzero #todoist #braintoss #obsidian #outlook #onenote #homelab #networking #ubiquiti #proxmox #homeassistant #pihole #github #linux #jekyll #ansible #keeplearning #fountainpen #wallenbergsyndrome

Last updated 2 years ago

My belated . Here we go:

I’m a 40-ish and tech enthusiast from . It all began with a Commodore 64 in the early 90’s. I like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Night Rider, AirWolf, and The A-Team … oh yeah, and The Stand by Stephen King.

I live in a small village with my wife, our daughter, and our German Sheppard.

I am an IT professional working with , , , and Risk Management in aci.dk.

I find personal productivity tools, processes and methodologies very interesting. I’ve been an avid practitioner for many years and have had fun testing lots of different tools. I (try to) practice and currently have , , , , and in my toolbox.

I don’t work with hands-on technical IT anymore, although I still enjoy it. So I like tinkering in my with things like , , , , , , , and lots of other fun projects. .

I enjoy both the Danish and English language; speaking, writing and grammar. Alas, my punctuation sucks badly.

I find writing with a good on good quality paper to be very rewarding. It’s just a nice feeling. Creating notes is helpful for me, after surviving a stroke - two clots in my brain - in 2021. It resulted in what is called . Most notably, for me, I just get tired a bit faster than I used to. Planning my days and a nap around noon is necessary 👍 😴

Ask me about any and all of it - I’d love to discuss, share, and learn!

For good measure: Opinions are my own.

#mastodon #introduction #itprofessional #denmark #informationsecurity #osint #itil #quantitative #gtd #inboxzero #todoist #braintoss #obsidian #outlook #onenote #homelab #networking #ubiquiti #proxmox #homeassistant #pihole #github #linux #jekyll #ansible #keeplearning #fountainpen #wallenbergsyndrome

Last updated 2 years ago

Mads Skydt :mastodon: · @mads
19 followers · 22 posts · Server infosec.exchange

: Getting ideas and reminders into your system from "voice":

I use the app for iPhone (and Apple Watch) to capture ideas and reminders when I'm in the go. Audio files are transcribed, attached and sent to my email inbox.

I have a Saved Search in Outlook to help me batch process clips. The transcribed text in the subject field is so-so, but sometimes just a single word correctly transcribed sparks my memory and I don't even have to listen to the audio file.

My daily morning checklist includes "Process BrainToss". That means that a BrainToss never goes unprocessed for more than 24 hours - apart from weekends.


#tip #braintoss #gtd #personalproductivity

Last updated 2 years ago