Min forsinkede men velmente #Introduktion – nu på dansk. Så kører vi:
Jeg er en ’40-ish #itkonsulent og tech entusiast fra #Danmark. Det begyndte alt sammen med en Commodore 64 i start-90’erne. Jeg kan lide Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Knight Rider, AirWolf og The A-Team … nåja, og The Stand af Stephen King.
Jeg bor i en lille landsby med min kone, vores datter og vores Schæfer.
Jeg er IT konsulent og arbejder med #Informationssikkerhed, #OSINT, #ITIL og #Kvantitativ Risikostyring i https://www.aci.dk.
Jeg synes at værktøjer, processer og metodologier til personlig produktivitet er interessante. Jeg har været en ivrig udøver af #GTD i mange år og har haft det sjovt med at teste en masse forskellige værktøjer. Jeg (prøver) at praktisere #InboxZero og bruger for tiden #Todoist, #BrainToss, #Obsidian, #Outlook, og #OneNote.
Jeg arbejder ikke I direkte med IT-teknik mere selvom jeg synes det også er spændende. Jeg kan lide at udforske ting i mit #HomeLab som fx #netværk, #Ubiquiti, #Proxmox, #HomeAssistant, #Pihole, #Github, #Linux #Jekyll, #Ansible og masser af andre sjove projekter. #Keeplearning.
Jeg kan lide både dansk og engelsk sprog; tale, skrive og grammatik. Desværre stinker jeg til tegnsætning.
Jeg kan godt lide at skrive med en god #fyldepen på papir af høj kvalitet. Det er en rar følelse. At skrive noter hjælper mig efter at have overlevet et #stroke – to blodpropper i hjernen – i 2021. Det resulterede at jeg har #WallenbergSyndrom. Jeg mærker det mest ved, at jeg bliver træt lidt før end tidligere. At planlægge min dag og tage en morfar til middag er nødvendigt 👍 😴
Spørg mig om alt muligt – jeg elsker at diskutere, dele og lære!
For en god ordens skyld: Mine meninger og ytringer er mine egne.
#introduktion #itkonsulent #danmark #informationssikkerhed #osint #itil #kvantitativ #gtd #inboxzero #todoist #braintoss #obsidian #outlook #onenote #homelab #netværk #ubiquiti #proxmox #homeassistant #pihole #github #linux #jekyll #ansible #keeplearning #fyldepen #stroke #wallenbergsyndrom #dksocial #dkmastodon #DanskerTrut #nypamastodon
My belated #Mastodon #Introduction. Here we go:
I’m a 40-ish #itprofessional and tech enthusiast from #Denmark. It all began with a Commodore 64 in the early 90’s. I like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Knight Rider, AirWolf, and The A-Team … oh yeah, and The Stand by Stephen King.
I live in a small village with my wife, our daughter, and our German Sheppard.
I am an IT professional working with #InformationSecurity, #OSINT, #ITIL, and #Quantitative Risk Management in https://www.aci.dk.
I find personal productivity tools, processes and methodologies very interesting. I’ve been an avid #GTD practitioner for many years and have had fun testing lots of different tools. I (try to) practice #InboxZero and currently have #Todoist, #BrainToss, #Obsidian, #Outlook, and #OneNote in my toolbox.
I don’t work with hands-on technical IT anymore, although I still enjoy it. So I like tinkering in my #HomeLab with things like #networking, #Ubiquiti, #Proxmox, #HomeAssistant, #Pihole, #Github, #Linux #Jekyll, #Ansible and lots of other fun projects. #keeplearning.
I enjoy both the Danish and English language; speaking, writing and grammar. Alas, my punctuation sucks badly.
I find writing with a good #fountainpen on good quality paper to be very rewarding. It’s just a nice feeling. Creating notes is helpful for me, after surviving a stroke - two clots in my brain - in 2021. It resulted in what is called #WallenbergSyndrome. Most notably, for me, I just get tired a bit faster than I used to. Planning my days and a nap around noon is necessary 👍 😴
Ask me about any and all of it - I’d love to discuss, share, and learn!
For good measure: Opinions are my own.
#mastodon #introduction #itprofessional #denmark #informationsecurity #osint #itil #quantitative #gtd #inboxzero #todoist #braintoss #obsidian #outlook #onenote #homelab #networking #ubiquiti #proxmox #homeassistant #pihole #github #linux #jekyll #ansible #keeplearning #fountainpen #wallenbergsyndrome
My belated #Mastodon #Introduction. Here we go:
I’m a 40-ish #itprofessional and tech enthusiast from #Denmark. It all began with a Commodore 64 in the early 90’s. I like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Night Rider, AirWolf, and The A-Team … oh yeah, and The Stand by Stephen King.
I live in a small village with my wife, our daughter, and our German Sheppard.
I am an IT professional working with #InformationSecurity, #OSINT, #ITIL, and #Quantitative Risk Management in https://www.aci.dk.
I find personal productivity tools, processes and methodologies very interesting. I’ve been an avid #GTD practitioner for many years and have had fun testing lots of different tools. I (try to) practice #InboxZero and currently have #Todoist, #BrainToss, #Obsidian, #Outlook, and #OneNote in my toolbox.
I don’t work with hands-on technical IT anymore, although I still enjoy it. So I like tinkering in my #HomeLab with things like #networking, #Ubiquiti, #Proxmox, #HomeAssistant, #Pihole, #Github, #Linux #Jekyll, #Ansible and lots of other fun projects. #keeplearning.
I enjoy both the Danish and English language; speaking, writing and grammar. Alas, my punctuation sucks badly.
I find writing with a good #fountainpen on good quality paper to be very rewarding. It’s just a nice feeling. Creating notes is helpful for me, after surviving a stroke - two clots in my brain - in 2021. It resulted in what is called #WallenbergSyndrome. Most notably, for me, I just get tired a bit faster than I used to. Planning my days and a nap around noon is necessary 👍 😴
Ask me about any and all of it - I’d love to discuss, share, and learn!
For good measure: Opinions are my own.
#mastodon #introduction #itprofessional #denmark #informationsecurity #osint #itil #quantitative #gtd #inboxzero #todoist #braintoss #obsidian #outlook #onenote #homelab #networking #ubiquiti #proxmox #homeassistant #pihole #github #linux #jekyll #ansible #keeplearning #fountainpen #wallenbergsyndrome
#TIP: Getting ideas and reminders into your system from "voice":
I use the #BrainToss app for iPhone (and Apple Watch) to capture ideas and reminders when I'm in the go. Audio files are transcribed, attached and sent to my email inbox.
I have a Saved Search in Outlook to help me batch process clips. The transcribed text in the subject field is so-so, but sometimes just a single word correctly transcribed sparks my memory and I don't even have to listen to the audio file.
My daily morning checklist includes "Process BrainToss". That means that a BrainToss never goes unprocessed for more than 24 hours - apart from weekends.
#tip #braintoss #gtd #personalproductivity