I have already had to tell off the #BrainWeasel during this #AttemptedVacation for #productivity propaganda. I put myself down for a nap yesterday and woke up at 9 pm. Obviously I needed the sleep but my brain wanted me to know I was already "doing it wrong!" This is why I need to change things in my life. Also yes, I know it's 4 am. Not quite on vacation time yet, ha!
#brainweasel #attemptedvacation #productivity
445 am. Time to begin my annual #BrainWeasel game of What Would We Eat if the Power Went Out Now. The answer currently is a autumnal fruit crostada, so I can go back to sleep. Possibly. If the #cats will let me.
Weasels In Disguise
"Are you actually saying that you want a live elephant to eat salmon from my anus?" might be a legitimate question sometimes...