#Brampton is starting to become the Florida of GTA. Just follow the hashtag, and see where it gonna bring you.
Beaverton: Emboldened Doug Ford sells off Brampton https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/08/emboldened-doug-ford-sells-off-brampton/ #satire #canada #commentary #Brampton #DougFord #Ontario
#satire #Canada #commentary #brampton #dougford #ontario
#Canada #Ontario man smuggled people from India to U.S., through Calgary, Toronto, Montreal
>An Indian national from #Brampton, Ont., pleaded guilty in a U.S. federal court on Friday to human smuggling as part of a network that [..] moved hundreds of people from #India across the Canada-U.S. border
>guilty to six counts of alien smuggling and three counts of conspiracy to commit alien smuggling during an appearance in Albany, #NY
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/smuggling-guilty-us-1.6920843 #migration #humantrafficking
#humantrafficking #migration #ny #India #brampton #ontario #Canada
@Yup_Its_Holly @gemelliz @HabsFan @Bwacton The convoy movement had absolutely nothing to do with the struggles of truck drivers as workers. What has been the real struggle? #wagetheft
(Mainly) Sikh truck drivers in #Brampton #Ontario have had a long struggle against wage theft, and the convoyers never said a word about it. They're more concerned about culture war than class war.
Data from the 2021 census says there are over 1.6 lakh Sikhs in #Brampton, which is located in the Greater Toronto Area and in Ontario province
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/indira-gandhi-assassination-brampton-canada-float-sikh-population-101686297465210.html #press
#Brampton and #Mississauga are set to "consciously uncouple."
#brampton #mississauga #onpoli
#Brampton and #Mississauga are set to "consciously uncouple."
#brampton #mississauga #onpoli
#Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie says it will save her municipality $1 billion over 10 years and make it more efficient.
#Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown claims Mississauga owes Brampton close to a billion dollars and will take it to court if they don’t pay their share back.
#Ontario #Premier #DougFord said Brampton was not going to be “shafted by Mississauga”
Who you gonna believe?
#mississauga #brampton #ontario #premier #dougford #divideandconquer #ontpoli
I find everything about #Brampton giving away its main library for nothing to TMU for a highly uncertain medical school outrageous.
RT @BramptonTransit
The Explore #Brampton Youth Pass offers youth ages 12-16 a summer of free transit and select drop-in programs at Recreation Centres in Brampton. Youth can apply for this pilot program now at http://www.brampton.ca/ebyp
RT @CityBrampton
Service & Information Update | Help shape public transit in #Brampton
Read more 🔗: http://ow.ly/umtC50NosCO
RT @BramptonTransit
Tomorrow is Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day in #Brampton! The @BramptonTransit team is dedicated to keeping our city moving safely and efficiently every day. Be sure to thank transit workers if you see them, and tweet us with your appreciation for them! ❤️
$1 million #FederalFunding boost will help a #Mississauga organization provide #MentalHealth #services for #SouthAsian #communities in #PeelRegion .
The #funding will help provide mental health #support to #newcomers , #InternationalStudents & #refugee #youth & #YoungAdults in Peel Region’s South #Asian communities.
#Brampton #Ontario #AsianMastodon #GoodNews #Canada #SouthAsianYouth #Canadian #HelpAndSupport #WelcomeToCanada
#federalfunding #mississauga #mentalhealth #services #southasian #communities #peelregion #funding #support #newcomers #internationalstudents #refugee #youth #youngadults #asian #brampton #ontario #asianmastodon #goodnews #canada #southasianyouth #canadian #helpandsupport #welcometocanada
RT @navitaxmedia
Property Value - How to review your property taxes #propertytax http://youtu.be/LHhYlFArarw #barrie #Brampton #ldnont #tobermoryontario #vaughan #newmarket #Pickering #simcoecounty #guelphbusiness #waterloo #thejunction #TorontoRealEstate #markhamontario
#propertytax #barrie #brampton #ldnont #tobermoryontario #vaughan #newmarket #pickering #simcoecounty #guelphbusiness #waterloo #thejunction #torontorealestate #markhamontario
RT @ontstreetfood
Sunday's Street Food Locations: http://tinyurl.com/thu94x93 #FoodTruckEats #Toronto #Brampton #Vaughan #Oakville #Milton #BurlON #HamOnt #Niagara #WRAwesome #Durham #LdnOnt #Ottawa #OntStreetFood
#foodtruckeats #toronto #brampton #vaughan #Oakville #milton #burlon #hamont #niagara #wrawesome #durham #ldnont #ottawa #ontstreetfood #talkofthetown
#Temperatures could feel like -30C #nextweek in #Mississauga #Brampton #Hamilton https://www.insauga.com/temperatures-could-feel-like-30c-next-week-in-mississauga-brampton-and-hamilton/ … #TorontoWeather #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #Weathercloud #WeatherForecast #wetsnow
#wetsnow #weatherforecast #Weathercloud #weatheralert #WinterWeather #gta #snowfall #snowstorm #weatherupdate #snow #drivesafe #WinterDriving #winterstorm #torontoweather #hamilton #brampton #mississauga #nextweek #temperatures
#Temperatures could feel like -30C #nextweek in #Mississauga #Brampton #Hamilton https://www.insauga.com/temperatures-could-feel-like-30c-next-week-in-mississauga-brampton-and-hamilton/ … #TorontoWeather #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #Weathercloud #WeatherForecast #wetsnow
#temperatures #nextweek #mississauga #brampton #hamilton #torontoweather #winterstorm #winterdriving #drivesafe #snow #weatherupdate #snowstorm #snowfall #gta #winterweather #weatheralert #weathercloud #weatherforecast #wetsnow
#Temperatures could feel like -30C #nextweek in #Mississauga #Brampton #Hamilton https://www.insauga.com/temperatures-could-feel-like-30c-next-week-in-mississauga-brampton-and-hamilton/ … #TorontoWeather #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #Weathercloud #WeatherForecast #wetsnow
#nextweek #brampton #torontoweather #weatherupdate #snowfall #gta #WinterWeather #weatheralert #weathercloud #winterstorm #WinterDriving #DriveSafe #snow #weatherforecast #wetsnow #temperatures #mississauga #hamilton #snowstorm
#Temperatures could feel like -30C #nextweek in #Mississauga #Brampton #Hamilton https://www.insauga.com/temperatures-could-feel-like-30c-next-week-in-mississauga-brampton-and-hamilton/ … #TorontoWeather #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #Weathercloud #WeatherForecast #wetsnow
#wetsnow #weatherforecast #weathercloud #weatheralert #WinterWeather #gta #snowfall #snowstorm #weatherupdate #snow #drivesafe #winterdriving #winterstorm #torontoweather #hamilton #brampton #mississauga #nextweek #temperatures