Inside “Dracula's” Castle, Bran Castle (Romanian: Castelul Bran) in Transylvania on Christmas Eve 2014, showing what can be construed as Dracula's Christmas Tree and piano! #Photography #PhotographyOnMastodon #BranCastle #CastelulBran #Transylvania #Romania
#romania #transylvania #castelulbran #brancastle #photographyonmastodon #photography
Sunset from “Dracula's” Castle, (actually Bran Castle (Romanian: Castelul Bran) Transylvania on Christmas Eve 2014. Crucifixes and garlic cloves at the ready! #Photography #PhotographyOnMastodon #Romania #Transylvania #BranCastle #CastelulBran
#castelulbran #brancastle #transylvania #romania #photographyonmastodon #photography
Bran Castle (Romanian: Castelul Bran) in Transylvania photographed against the sunset, Also known as Dracula's Castle, so garlic and crucifixes at the ready! #Photpgraphy #PhotographyOnMastodon #Transylvania #BranCastle #Romania #Dracula
#dracula #romania #brancastle #transylvania #photographyonmastodon #photpgraphy
Dracula's Christmas Tree? Inside Bran Castle, Transylvania supposedly Dracula's Castle. While it is known that Vlad Tepes was in the area at one point, it is unlikely that he ever even visited this castle. #Photography #Dracula #VladTepes #VladTheImpaler #Transylvania #BranCastle #Romania
#romania #brancastle #transylvania #vladtheimpaler #vladtepes #dracula #photography