RT @MeaningGuild
Seen in Kent
Magic wont save the world
but climate action might.
Join us at Westminster in London from 21st April to call for a big change in the country
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Dalla campagna del 2023 #banfossilads di #brandalism.
#Toyota schiaccia-terra
#BanFossilAds #brandalism #toyota
Eine europaweite #Adbusting - Aktion adressierte vor kurzem die Autokonzerne #BMW und #Toyota. Sie rückt deren irreführende Werbung und Anti-Klima-Lobbying ans Licht:
#adbusting #bmw #toyota #BanFossilAds #brandalism #greenwashing
#Brandalism: #Brand meets #Activism. #Brandsafety starts at the core values, not on the ad platform. Spoof billboard ads take aim at #BMW and #Toyota over ‘going green’ claims https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/19/spoof-billboard-ads-take-aim-at-bmw-and-toyota-over-going-green-claims?CMP=share_btn_tw #branding #Marketing #environment #climatechange
#activism #brandalism #brand #brandsafety #bmw #toyota #branding #marketing #environment #climatechange
Du détournement des publicités automobiles (Toyota et BMW ici) pour alerter sur le dérèglement climatique et l'impact de l'industrie automobile sur celui-ci.
Rien de nouveau, mais des actions toujours intéressantes à observer.
Activists from the Subvertisers’ International, #Brandalism and Extinction Rebellion install over 400 parody advertising billboards across Europe.
Activists are calling on
governments to introduce ‘tobacco-style’ advertising bans on environmentally harmful products, such as large SUVs, amid growing international momentum.
If you are in the Creative Industry you might want to check out
#CleanCreatives https://cleancreatives.org/
Read full story here
#ClimateAction #Advertising
#brandalism #cleancreatives #commsdeclare #creativesforclimate #climateaction #advertising
@drifthood @atomicpoet
Translation into Japanese
#toyota #brandalism #streetart #climatejustice
Activists from the Subvertisers’ International, Brandalism and Extinction Rebellion install over 400 parody advertising billboards across Europe.
#adbusting #subvertising #brandalism
#adbusting #subvertising #brandalism
Activists are using the action to demand more robust policies from governments to regulate the advertising of environmentally harmful products and prevent misleading green claims from big polluters.
The Europe-wide action comes at a time of growing international momentum behind the idea of introducing tobacco-style advertising bans on climate-wrecking products, such as fossil fuels and SUVs.
#brandalism #BanFossilAds #ClimateAction
Brandalism took control of 400 advertising billboards and bus stops in Belgium, France, Germany and England this weekend as the European Motor Show in Brussels opened its doors on its 100th anniversary.
In 2022, Toyota was ranked the 10th worst company in the world by InfluenceMap for its anti-climate lobbying (the worst ranking of any car manufacturer), while BMW ranked 16th overall (the second worst automotive brand).
#Brandalism is very much alive;
"a spokesperson from Brandalism, said: “By #hacking #advertising billboards we’re using companies’ own tools against them to highlight the #information they’ve conveniently airbrushed out of their adverts". Full article:
More about the project here:
#brand #advertising #polluters #climatechange #stopfossilfuels
#brandalism #hacking #advertising #information #brand #polluters #climatechange #stopfossilfuels
"Climate activists have filled billboards sites in Bristol, U.K.with artworks highlighting how car firms fuel the climate crisis and the role of the advertising industry in covering it up.
Activists have pasted over billboards with pieces shaming the effects of cars on the planet.
They now display spoof adverts for two of the world’s largest carmakers, Toyota and BMW, which activists claim use “misleading adverts and aggressive lobbying”
Dalla campagna #adbrake di #brandalism.
Abbraccia l' || INGORGO
Ti portiamo nel || DISASTRO CLIMATICO
Title: Pop Art
License: CC: BY-NC-SA
Original size: 7680 x 4320 pixels
Permanent URL: https://doi.org/10.17613/ev7g-t321
The full #size #version of this artwork, authenticated by #DOI and deposited on the #CORE #repository of #Humanities #Commons, is made available #FREE of charge for NON-commercial use through #Creative Commons #license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Please feel free to #download & #share this #artwork as much as you #like !
#brandalism #like #artwork #share #download #license #creative #free #commons #humanities #repository #core #doi #version #size #qrt
Dalla campagna #adbrake di #brandalism.
"Guida sott'acqua"
"Dato che il livello del mare si innalza"
Dalla campagna #adbrake di #brandalism.
"Finalmente libero di || stare nel #traffico"
"Fatti portare nel || disastro del #clima"
#adbrake #brandalism #traffico #clima
Am I the only one who thinks it is ironic that organisations like #brandalism and #adbusters use #twitter and #instagram? The most ad infested and manipulative services I could think of?
#brandalism #adbusters #twitter #instagram
Madonna del Takeaway by Hogre #streetart #brandalism #subvertising
#streetart #brandalism #subvertising