Finally listened to "In The Canyon Haze" all the way through. While cleaning the back gutters. #BrandiCarlile is the best songwriter today. Easy. It's not even close.
I had the opportunity to see #Pink at her #SummerCarnival tour last night and this morning all I can say is this. If she's coming anywhere near you...GO!! Her stage show is spectacular, over 2 hours long. Opening acts, including #BrandiCarlile were great and kept us entertained for over 4 hours. Carlile can sanggggg. Every performance was all about the fans. 10 out of 10.
#pink #summercarnival #brandicarlile
It's folk-americana-altcountry time, with a song that came out of the coffee shops ("A 2006 Barnes & Noble Discover Artist") and into the mainstream.
"Throw it all away" - from the eponymous 2005 album - drips authenticity from every note. Be who you want to be. Marry your wife. Ignore others' perceptions.
Yourself is good. Sebastian Coe is wrong.
#TracksAndField #BrandiCarlile
#brandicarlile #tracksandfield
More thoughts on the passing of Sinéad. I've read some blasts from musicians about the cynicism of the "tributes", mainly "where were you when she needed you? Nowhere". Can't say I disagree. At the same time her loss is truly felt across the musical universe. Here's a tribute from Pink and Brandi Carlile I found particularly moving.
#SineadOConnor #Pink #BrandiCarlile
#sineadoconnor #pink #brandicarlile
#Pink and #BrandiCarlile and #ToriAmos Perform Tributes To #SineadOConnor
#pink #brandicarlile #toriamos #sineadoconnor
Jack and I went to P!nk’s Summer Carnival 2023 concert in Cincinnati last night! Got home at almost 2am, exhausted, but the show was INCREDIBLE! So amazing!
I now have a total crush on Brandi Carlile (touring with P!nk)
#yellowboxvacation #summercarnival2023 #pink #brandicarlile
#BuriedInTheBackyard #MyProfessorsGuideToMurder #TheIncredibleDrPol #TourDeFrance #NASCAR #UFC #BuildItForward #Boxing #SexAndMurder #LoveAndMarriageHuntsville #BrandiCarlile #InTheCanyonHaze #USFL #AEWCollision #EssenceFestOnHulu
#essencefestonhulu #aewcollision #usfl #inthecanyonhaze #brandicarlile #loveandmarriagehuntsville #SexAndMurder #boxing #builditforward #ufc #nascar #tourdefrance #theincredibledrpol #myprofessorsguidetomurder #buriedinthebackyard
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Fascinating Livestreams, Video Games, and TV Series That Got Us Through the Week #Jezebel #jonimitchellannielennox #norabiettetimmons #kadyruthashcraft #sarahrenselisten #williamshatner #porshawilliams #allisonrussell #sarahmclachlan #lancearmstrong #brandicarlile #marshawnlynch #sexandthecity #marcusmumford #neilarmstrong #jonimitchell #kimcattrall #caitlincruz #heinrichs
#jezebel #jonimitchellannielennox #norabiettetimmons #kadyruthashcraft #sarahrenselisten #williamshatner #porshawilliams #allisonrussell #sarahmclachlan #lancearmstrong #brandicarlile #marshawnlynch #sexandthecity #marcusmumford #NeilArmstrong #JoniMitchell #kimcattrall #caitlincruz #heinrichs
This long read from #variety on #BrandiCarlile
and the legacy of the #LilithFair is well worth your time.
#variety #lilithfair #jonimitchell #brandicarlile
I love Joni Mitchell with my whole entire heart, and I am both mad at* and incredibly grateful for @mishafletch posting a link to the set Joni performed this past weekend at The Gorge Amphitheater. The whole concert looks amazing, but I am particularly fucking devastated by the beauty of this performance of “Both Sides Now.”
*mad because godDAMMIT these are way too many big feelings for a Thursday morning.
If you will indulge me, Mastadon friends. I was at the Joni Jam Sat. night at The Gorge, and I am still riding a Joni Mitchell high. When your host is Brandi Carlile and your backup singers are Sarah McLaughlin and (as Brandi put it when she introduced her) Annie F*cking Lennox, you know you’re in the presence of royalty. Here’s my view of one of the greatest concerts ever. What an extraordinarily night. #jonimitchell #jonijam #brandicarlile #gorgeamphitheater
#gorgeamphitheater #brandicarlile #jonijam #jonimitchell
I love the sound of rain on the metal roof, especially when it's a downpour like this one. I can hear Brandi Carlile singing one of her standbys; it's a lovely cozy morning.
#Seattle #downpour #brandicarlile
"These stories don't mean anything when you've got no one to tell them to."
Thought this would be an appropriate first post on the #fediverse. Here's my mediocre version of The Story. #Seattle represent 😎
#Storyteller #brandicarlile #bookstodon
#mondaymotivation #tuesday #amwriting
#fediverse #seattle #storyteller #brandicarlile #bookstodon #mondaymotivation #tuesday #amwriting
Recently completed commission drawing of Brandi Carlile fishing, 1981 Topps style
#brandicarlile #baseballcards #cardart #fishing
Pink News: From Miley Cyrus to boygenius, queer women in music are showing the power of collaboration #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #PhoebeBridgers #BrandiCarlile #hayleykiyoko #RebeccaBlack #RinaSawayama #mileycyrus #KimPetras #Culture #Music #News #sia
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #PhoebeBridgers #brandicarlile #hayleykiyoko #rebeccablack #rinasawayama #mileycyrus #kimpetras #Culture #music #news #sia
Took a while but glad I’m listening to her now! #BrandiCarlile
Presale tix sold out in the minutes before my turn but snagged some aftermarket tix to #BrandiCarlile at #RedRocks in Sept.
#brandicarlile #redrocks #bucketlist
“…These days we go to waste like wine,
that’s turned to turpentine…”
#turpentine #brandicarlile #music
Tom is now listening to Caroline