On #DMR monitoring #Fedihams and the Michigan DMR TG 3126 on #brandmeister .
Fedihams info is here https://dk1mi.radio/fedihams/ thanks to @DK1MI
Nets Sunday 2200 UTC (informal, in English); Wednesday 1930 UTC (#Chaosrunde in German); first Friday, 1800 UTC (#Draussenfunker in German).
#draussenfunker #Chaosrunde #brandmeister #FediHams #dmr
On the bright side, this repeater is line-of-sight and within about a half mile of one of my favorite #discgolf courses, so I'll be able to ragchew next time I go throw, so long as I'm still able to hop onto a given #Brandmeister TG.
Still...I'm pretty happy with where I've progressed along the #DMR learning curve thus far.
#discgolf #brandmeister #dmr #freshham
Repeater allows kerchunking on TS2 to access a given channel according to #DMRTexas, but TS2 is listed as a static local channel on #Brandmeister.
So I just programmed everything with both timeslots and figure I'll monkey around with it when I'm trying to broadcast and figure out which one is true, then submit a correction to DMRTexas if necessary.
#dmrtexas #brandmeister #dmr #md380
Been listening to some random #brandmeister talk groups on #hamradio -- do folks talk about anything other than weather, their radio, or pooping?
Not complaining, just thought it’s kind of funny.
Waiting to check in on the Worldwide Check-in Net (#Brandmeister TG 91). #DMR #AmateurRadio
#amateurradio #dmr #brandmeister
#DMR decisions. #Brandmeister or #TGIF or #FreeDMR? If not these, what else?
#freedmr #tgif #brandmeister #dmr
First #DMR #Brandmeister #QSO for more than a year this afternoon. No hotspot, I worked via a relay.
#dmr #brandmeister #qso #hamradio
Well, it looks like I successfully made contact with the #W6SRR "DMR of Anarchy" DMR repeater in San Ramon, CA, at least I could see my own traffic on the #brandmeister hose line. But no comebacks at the moment on TG 31666 or 5150.
It's clear though that #RepeaterBook is less helpful for #DMR information, you really need to know a fair bit about that kind of repeater (networks, talkgroups, time slots, color codes) which that site doesn't capture.
#dmr #repeaterbook #brandmeister #w6srr
Hodiaŭ je la 16:00 UTC, mi, IZ1POZ, estos la reto-kontrola operatanto por la monda kontrolado. La celo de la monda kontrolado estas servi kiel montrado de la globaj komunik-kapabloj de #DMR, kun la intenco uzi ĝin por urĝaj situacioj aŭ publika servo. #Brandmeister TG91 https://hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (tiam klaku sur la kadro markita kiel 91 World-wide).
Oggi alle 16:00 UTC, io, IZ1POZ, sarò l'operatore di controllo della rete mondiale di check-in. Lo scopo del check-in mondiale è quello di servire come dimostrazione delle capacità di comunicazione mondiale del #DMR, con l'obiettivo di utilizzarlo per emergenze o servizio pubblico. #Brandmeister TG91 https://hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (quindi cliccare sulla casella contrassegnata come 91 World-wide).
Today at 16:00 UTC I, IZ1POZ, will operate as Net Control for worldwide check-in Net. The purpose of the world wide check in is to serve as a demonstration of #DMR and its worldwide communication capability with a view to use for emergencies or public service. #Brandmeister TG91 https://hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (then click on the box labelled 91 World-wide).
Tomorrow (Saturday, May 20), at 16 UTC, we will operate the network control from my radiotelegraphic station for the #worldwide #checkin (#DMR TG91 #Brandmeister). You can listen online here: hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (remember to click on the box that says 91).
#brandmeister #dmr #checkin #worldwide
Morgaŭ (sabato, la 20-an de majo), je la 16a UTC, ni operacos la reto-kontrolon de mia radiotelegrafa stacio por la #monda #reto (#DMR TG91 #Brandmeister). Vi povas aŭskulti enreta ĉe hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (memoru klaki sur la kadron kun la nombro 91).
#monda #reto #DMR #brandmeister
Tomorrow (Saturday, May 20), at 16 UTC, we will operate the network control from my radiotelegraphic station for the #worldwide #checkin (#DMR TG91 #Brandmeister). You can listen online here: hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (remember to click on the box that says 91).
#worldwide #checkin #dmr #brandmeister
Domani (sabato 20 maggio) dalle 16 UTC opereremo dalla mia stazione radiotelegrafica il controllo di rete per il #worldwide #check-in (#DMR TG91 #Brandmeister). Si può ascoltare online qui hose.brandmeister.network/#/91 (ricordandosi di cliccare sul box con scritto 91).
#worldwide #check #DMR #brandmeister
Hi Gentlemen, here is my #introduction!
I’m Paolo, IZ1POZ, operating mainly CW from Revigliasco, JN35UA, a small village on the hills around Turin, Italy. I’m also a net controller for the #worldwide #checkin #net which runs every Saturday at 16:00 UTC on #brandmeister #dmr TG91. Sometimes I speak Esperanto with the members of #ILERA (Internacia Ligo de Esperantistaj Radioamatoroj).
#ilera #dmr #brandmeister #net #checkin #worldwide #introduction
Muss mich echt mal mehr intensiv mit #dmrplus bzw. #Brandmeister befassen.
Entweder ist -jeweils- das Netz dahinter kaputt oder, was wahrscheinlicher ist, irgendwas in meinen Codeplugs.
Hier ist es zB nicht möglich eine #dapnet-Nachricht per sms abzusetzen. Weder übers (Lokale) db0end noch übers Dortmunder db0dds.
#dmrplus #brandmeister #dapnet
Muss mich echt mal mehr intensiv mit #dmrplus bzw. #Brandmeister befassen.
Entweder ist -jeweils- das Netz dahinter kaputt oder, was wahrscheinlicher ist, irgendwas in meinen Codeplugs.
Hier ist es zB nicht möglich eine dapnet-Nachricht per sms abzusetzen. Weder übers (Lokale) db0end noch übers Dortmunder db0dds.
New project announcement!
Dynamic DMR contact list generator. Keep your list of contacts down so it can fit on older DMR radios. (The list is generated only from users who connect to DMR)
#brandmeisterdmr #brandmeister #hamradio #dmr #amateurradio
Last night, (Tuesday, March 21st, 2023) as I was driving, I was tuned into the #ColoradoAstronomyNet on #SkyHubLink - #Brandmeister Talkgroup 310847. The Net begins at 1900 MTN (2100 Eastern) ~ "[The net] has been on the 146.940 RMRL repeater since 1996 & is very interesting... Not only great astronomical information but interesting subjects related to all things in the heavens!" ~ #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #DMRnets #DigitalHamRadioNets #TruckerHam #KE0FFTnets ~ https://skyhublink.com/nets/
#coloradoastronomynet #skyhublink #brandmeister #hamradionets #amateurradionets #dmrnets #digitalhamradionets #truckerham #ke0fftnets