#Trump spent the past year using the "Let's go #Brandon" nonsense to attack Joe #Biden and make political hay out of the dumb saying. But when Biden turns around and repurposes it to his benefit, Trump loses his shit and calls it political #persecution. What is this jackass even talking about? The Trump show has jumped the shark over and over again, becoming more absurd with each passing day. This isn't the behavior of someone who has any business in the #WhiteHouse.
#trump #brandon #biden #persecution #whitehouse
OSCUP 2023 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 聯合議程軌
時間:20230730 0900 - 1600
地點:台灣科技大學 RB 105 教室
。0900 - 0930 Why and How to build open source maps with the Protomaps project 講者:#Brandon Liu
。1000 - 1030 Wikidatacon 2023 年在臺灣! 講者:#王文岳
。1030 - 1120 開源GIS開講:回顧QGIS應用現況與瓶頸 講者:#Dennis Raylin Chen、 #林宥伯、 #林政道、 #王祖修
。1120 - 1150 OpenStreetMap上那些看得到的電:電廠、變電所和電塔 講者: #tntchn
。1150 - 1220 政府開放資料在 OpenStreetMap 內的匯入狀況與挑戰 講者: #littlebtc
。1320 - 1350 可以召喚 ChatGPT 使用 WikiData 資料嗎? 講者: #planetoid
。1350 - 1420 跨語言協作:打破全球知識分享的語言障礙 講者: #Irvin、 #ChatGPT
。1420 - 1450 台灣 ê Wikidata 經驗 - 對迒語言連結文章到連結資料庫,Wikidata 按怎連結全世界所有 ê 智識 講者:Dennis Raylin Chen
。1450 - 1520 Wikidata基礎編輯教學 講者:#劉健豐
。大會主辦團隊:COSCUP 開源人年會
。社群軌主辦團隊:Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群、OpenStreetMap Taiwan 臺灣開放街圖社群
#維基數據 #wikidata #開源人年會 #coscup #劉健豐 #chatgpt #irvin #planetoid #littlebtc #tntchn #王祖修 #林政道 #林宥伯 #dennis #王文岳 #brandon
Lieutenant Frank Columbo, by any other name, must be #Brandon, right?
Let's go!
Gizmodo: Interview With the Vampire Has Shut Down Production https://gizmodo.com/interview-with-the-vampire-season-2-production-stop-sag-1850647396 #allianceofmotionpictureandtelevisionproducers #inthroesofincreasingwonder #interviewwiththevampire #entertainmentculture #louisdepointedulac #claudiabaileybass #sandiegocomiccon #delaineyhayles #jacobanderson #ericbogosian #danielmolloy #rolinjones #assadzaman #annerice #samreid #brandon #armand #lestat
#allianceofmotionpictureandtelevisionproducers #inthroesofincreasingwonder #interviewwiththevampire #entertainmentculture #louisdepointedulac #claudiabaileybass #sandiegocomiccon #delaineyhayles #jacobanderson #ericbogosian #danielmolloy #rolinjones #assadzaman #annerice #samreid #brandon #armand #lestat
A big fight is about to start! Don't forget to tune in for the fight of the century: Gary VS Brandon!
Commission for @chriseggus on Telegram featuring @BrandonNettles9
#N The Raptor #Commission #Furry Art #Gary Brandt #Brandon Bandicoot
#brandon #gary #furry #commission #n
Beverly Hills 90210 (e il gioco più cringe di sempre) - feat. Marco Guadagno
#beverlyhills90210 #seriebeverlyhills #beverlyhills #brandon #marcoguadagno #doppiaggio #giochidatavolo #giochidatavoloanni90 #anni90
#beverlyhills90210 #seriebeverlyhills #beverlyhills #brandon #marcoguadagno #doppiaggio #giochidatavolo #giochidatavoloanni90 #anni90
Kotaku: Twitch Says It’s The Best Place For Creators Right After A Series Of Disasters https://kotaku.com/twitch-amazon-deep-fake-porn-gambling-ludwig-fuslie-1850253214 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #advertisingrevenue #videogameculture #twitchstreamers #timthetatman #broadcasting #emmettshear #tomverrilli #mikeminton #offlinetv #pokimane #twitchtv #internet #brandon #google #amazon #ludwig #ewing
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #advertisingrevenue #videogameculture #twitchstreamers #timthetatman #broadcasting #emmettshear #tomverrilli #mikeminton #OfflineTV #pokimane #twitchtv #internet #brandon #google #amazon #Ludwig #ewing
Kotaku: Twitch Finally Addresses Porn Deepfake Scandal Over A Month Later https://kotaku.com/twitch-deepfake-statement-atrioc-qtcinderella-pokimane-1850199352 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #danielkeatscitron #videogameculture #computergraphics #twitchstreamers #controversies #humanbehavior #pornography #revengeporn #deepfake #zaraward #pokimane #twitchtv #internet #brandon #anita #ward
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #danielkeatscitron #videogameculture #computergraphics #twitchstreamers #controversies #humanbehavior #pornography #revengeporn #Deepfake #zaraward #pokimane #twitchtv #internet #brandon #anita #ward
ICYMI: Future Starr (NEWS) FutureStarr.com #Grizzlies #Forward #Brandon #Clarke #Out #for #Season https://www.futurestarr.com/blog/news/grizzlies-forward-brandon-clarke-out-for-season?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#grizzlies #forward #brandon #clarke #out #for #season
Future Starr (NEWS) FutureStarr.com #Grizzlies #Forward #Brandon #Clarke #Out #for #Season https://www.futurestarr.com/blog/news/grizzlies-forward-brandon-clarke-out-for-season?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#grizzlies #forward #brandon #clarke #out #for #season
I wrote about #LLM and #LanguageTechnology at large for #LanguageLearning and teaching. It’s a non-reviewed #preprint of a journal paper to appear this summer (and will be revised as technology progresses…)
You can read it on @EdArXiv
Happy to get feedback and comments!
Featuring Goudy OldStyle, #Brandon (by Hannes van Döhren) and the citation style
@true_mxp created for my dissertation
#preprint #LanguageTechnology #languagelearning #brandon #LastWeeksWriting #llm
#Brandon #Cronenberg, sembri tutto tuo padre: o forse sei solo un suo #clone punito al suo posto...🧠
#infinitypool #miagoth #AlexanderSkarsgård #DavidCronenberg #MastoCinema
#brandon #Cronenberg #clone #InfinityPool #MiaGoth #alexanderskarsgard #davidcronenberg #mastocinema
We're going to keep shooting down drones and balloons until either an air-to-air missile lands in someone's property, or we accidentally shoot down a commercial airliner. I wish I wasn't this pessimistic, but you see, Brandon was correct to order the downings "as soon as possible." Trump would be screaming about using nukes. #usa #brandon #joebiden #ufos #ufo #chinesespyballoon
#chinesespyballoon #ufo #ufos #joebiden #brandon #usa
Kotaku: The Aftermath Of Twitch's Deepfake Porn Scandal https://kotaku.com/twitch-deepfake-porn-atrioc-sweet-anita-qt-cinderella-1850100817 #gaming #tech #kotaku #cybercivilrightsinitiative #computergraphics #chrissychambers #maryannefranks #mitchmcconnell #humansexuality #controversies #humanbehavior #humaninterest #sexualethics #deeplearning #ryanmorrison #pornography #revengeporn #sweetanita #deepfake #mayahiga #pokimane #twitchtv #brandon #twitch #tiktok #ewing
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #cybercivilrightsinitiative #computergraphics #chrissychambers #maryannefranks #mitchmcconnell #humansexuality #controversies #humanbehavior #humaninterest #sexualethics #deeplearning #ryanmorrison #pornography #revengeporn #sweetanita #Deepfake #mayahiga #pokimane #twitchtv #brandon #twitch #tiktok #ewing
I am never watching a SOTU ever again. I long for a president who submits an essay, as required by the constitution, mixes together a cocktail, and calls it a night. #usa #politics #joebiden #brandon #stateoftheunion #sotu
#sotu #stateoftheunion #brandon #joebiden #politics #usa
517,000 new jobs in JANUARY? Brandon, you are not following the script!! You're supposed to increase unemployment! Or, so says the Federal Reserve and Wall Street.
#economy #usa #joebiden #employment #jobs #brandon #wallstreet
#wallstreet #brandon #jobs #employment #joebiden #usa #economy
Kotaku: Popular Female Streamers Targeted In Deepfake Pornography Scandal https://kotaku.com/deepfake-atrioc-twitch-streamer-apology-legal-action-1850055762 #gaming #tech #kotaku #artificialintelligenceapplications #applicationsofcomputervision #videogamelivestreaming #computergraphics #humansexuality #humanbehavior #videohosting #socialissues #pornography #sweetanita #andyichen #deepfake #twitchtv #pornhub #brandon #humans #ewing
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #artificialintelligenceapplications #applicationsofcomputervision #videogamelivestreaming #computergraphics #humansexuality #humanbehavior #videohosting #socialissues #pornography #sweetanita #andyichen #Deepfake #twitchtv #pornhub #brandon #Humans #ewing