Brass Band of the Western Reserve – Classical Brass
Come see the Brass Band of the Western Reserve Saturday March 25 7pm at the Medina Performing Arts Center.
Purchase Tickets online before the end of day March
#Music #BBWR #BrassBand #BrassBandoftheWesternReserve #BrassBandoftheWesternReserve-ClassicalBrass #ClassicalBrass #Kevin #Medina #MedinaPerformingArtsCenter #MPAC #Music #Ohio #WesternReserve
#music #bbwr #brassband #brassbandofthewesternreserve #classicalbrass #kevin #Medina #medinaperformingartscenter #mpac #ohio #westernreserve
Get to Know BBWR – A few minutes with Kevin Gamin
I was recently interviewed as part of the new "Get To Know BBWR" video series for the Brass Band of the Western Reserve. Check out the interview below!
#Music #BBWR #BrassBandoftheWesternReserve #GettoKnowBBWR #GettoKnowBBWR-AfewminuteswithKevinGamin #Kevin #Music
#music #bbwr #brassbandofthewesternreserve #gettoknowbbwr #kevin
Brass Band of the Western Reserve Concert – 2023-02-25 – Painesville, Ohio
Come join the Brass Band of the Western Reserve this Saturday, February 25, at the Painesville United Methodist Church for a night of powerful and entertaining classic music selections. The concert begins at 7:30
#Music #BBWR #BrassBandoftheWesternReserve #Kevin #Music #PainesvilleUnitedMethodistChurch #PUMC
#music #bbwr #brassbandofthewesternreserve #kevin #painesvilleunitedmethodistchurch #pumc