Late as always for #WildflowerHour -- a species I looked at last year and now identify, I think, as Barbarea verna, in #Brassicaceae. S Europe and W Asia -- Wintercress, one of a few species. Leaves much divided and clasping the stem. This was my May Day walk to the shops. I chatted with the man going in the building that it is my favourite garden on this strip -- he shrugged and said foxes sleep there. It's a council garden with no easy access for a mower, left over space. #ClimateDiary
#wildflowerhour #brassicaceae #ClimateDiary
Arabidopsis thaliana growing in its natural(?) habitat, the gutters of Edinburgh. Accompanied by Cardamine spp. I think it is C. hirsuta.
Mizuna (Brassica rapa var. niposinica) seedling in my back yard. I've always treated this as a salad green but this year I'm going to try quick-pickling it (asazuke style). Link is to a video I found that shows the technique. #mizuna #Brassicaceae #food #salad #gardening #seedling #kyona #mustard
#mizuna #brassicaceae #food #salad #gardening #seedling #kyona #mustard
Mizuna (Brassica rapa var. niposinica) seedling in my back yard. I've always treated this as salad green but this year I'm going to try quick-pickling it (asazuke style). Link is to a video I found that shows the technique. #mizuna #Brassicaceae #food #salad #gardening #seedling #kyona #mustard
#mizuna #brassicaceae #food #salad #gardening #seedling #kyona #mustard
März 2019: Das sieht nach einer tollen #Blumenwiese auch. Tatsächlich ist es aber ein Zeichen von großen Problemen. Die gelben Blüten gehören zu den #Brassicaceae und wachsen dort wo anderes nicht kann. Zwischen den Pflanzen ist der Boden ohne Bewuchs und die Sonne tötet das #Bodenleben. Aus der Perspektive von #rettedenboden ist das eine Tragödie. Durch die geplante #Beweidung mit #Rindern haben wir heute weit weniger davon und stattdessen mehr Gräser und Bodenbedeckung.
#blumenwiese #brassicaceae #bodenleben #rettedenboden #beweidung #rindern
This is Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) the ancestor of the edible form. A native of western Asia, Europe and parts of Northern Africa, but a weed here in NZ and the rest of the world. Still quite edible though. #Brassicaceae #NZWeeds #weeds
I guess I don’t really know what’s going on with weeds this (non)winter, but it seems like they’re going to be off to a racing start pretty soon. This is Cardamine hirsuta, plush and green this January. #Brassicaceae #Plants
#Drosophila #Advent Day15: In #Scaptomyza flava we meet our first fly with an unexpected larval substrate: . One of several leaf-miners in the genus, S. flava is a specialist on soft #Brassicaceae, where it can be a pest . Its evolution is the subject of some phenomenal work on the evolution of herbivory , providing a great intersection with one of the other great model organisms, #Arabidopsis
#drosophila #advent #scaptomyza #brassicaceae #arabidopsis
Les fleurs jaunes se succèdent pour couvrir la prairie, de plus en plus hautes : après les coucous (primevère officinale), les pissenlits, c'est le tour des bunias (Bunias orientalis). C'est une plante envahissante en Europe, dotée d'une très profonde racine-pivot. Elle se mange éventuellement (légume-feuille).
#plantes #botanique #crucifère #brassicaceae #flower #jardin #estonie
#plantes #botanique #crucifère #brassicaceae #flower #jardin #estonie