Huxley's #BraveNewWorld ist eines der wenigen literarischen Werke, denen es gelingt, mich in dieser aufgekratzten, nervösen Stimmung zurücklassen, mit etwas konfrontiert zu sein, an dem ich mich abarbeiten muss. Jetzt muss ich aber nach all' den Shakespeare-Zitaten in diesem Roman erstmal zum Großmeister selbst zurückkehren ... #TheTempest
Die Mittagspause heute war ziemlich lecker verhext. Schön, dass unser Kiosk nicht einfach die üblichen Standard-Süßgetränke führt. (Auch wenn sich der Zuckergehalt da wahrscheinlich nicht groß unterscheidet.) Im Hintergrund meine Reaktion auf die Fortbildung am Montag. Falls ihrs noch nicht gelesen habt, solltet ihr das nachholen! #BraveNewWorld #Kraeuterhexe
El gran héroe de #Marvel tendrá un gran conflicto con el presidente de Estados Unidos en #CapitanAmerica #BraveNewWorld
#marvel #capitanamerica #bravenewworld
El Universo Cinematográfico de #Marvel está listo para llevar a los fans a una nueva y emocionante aventura con #CapitanAmerica #BraveNewWorld
#marvel #capitanamerica #bravenewworld
What you should not miss when visiting Ottawa according to MSN's AI generated content: The Ottawa Food Bank... 😂
Gizmodo: Ridley Scott Says He 'Should Have' Directed Blade Runner 2049 #doandroidsdreamofelectricsheep #ridleyscottsunrealisedprojects #entertainmentculture #draftbladerunner #denisvilleneuve #aliencovenant #bravenewworld #aldoushuxley #bladerunner2 #ridleyscott #bladerunner #gladiator2 #warnerbros #xenomorph #napoleon #blade
#doandroidsdreamofelectricsheep #ridleyscottsunrealisedprojects #entertainmentculture #draftbladerunner #denisvilleneuve #aliencovenant #bravenewworld #aldoushuxley #bladerunner2 #ridleyscott #bladerunner #gladiator2 #warnerbros #xenomorph #napoleon #blade
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Frannie Crowne from “Brave New World“ - #BraveNewWorld #LWTVcotd
Will your #BrainMachine #interface get #bricked, #hacked, or be used to compel you to obey your "#employer" or #government?
Yes, to all, and worse. Bricked and hacked #bio #devices already exist, for example.
Though not near, this is the kind of bio-#tech melding I believe will ultimately be forced upon most, if not everyone (but the wealthy overlords).
There will be classes and types of hybrids, as in #BraveNewWorld.
The #machines will be us so yes, they will win.
#machines #bravenewworld #Tech #devices #bio #Government #employer #Hacked #bricked #interface #BrainMachine
Gizmodo: What Will Your Streaming Bill Look Like in 2033? #entertainmentculture #thewaltdisneycompany #maxstreamingservice #technologyinternet #amazonprimevideo #xboxonesoftware #streamingmedia #bravenewworld #paytelevision #blakemasters #warnerbros #paramount #tedlasso #showtime #netflix #peacock #amazon #disney #google #viacom #crave #apple #hulu #cbs #max #hbo
#entertainmentculture #thewaltdisneycompany #maxstreamingservice #technologyinternet #amazonprimevideo #xboxonesoftware #streamingmedia #bravenewworld #paytelevision #blakemasters #warnerbros #paramount #tedlasso #showtime #netflix #peacock #amazon #disney #google #viacom #crave #apple #hulu #cbs #max #hbo
*in a heavy Essex accent*
"Oh brave new world, wot 'as such peeps, innit?"
#essex #accent #accents #bravenewworld
@StillIRise1963 @blogdiva @Steve @AnarchoNinaWrites
The #BraveNewWorld to come:
Gizmodo: Shang-Chi 2 Delayed as Marvel's Plans Keep Falling Apart #draftuntitledshangchiandthelegendofthetenringssequel #marvelcinematicuniversephasefour #entertainmentculture #benedictcumberbatch #captainmarvel #doctorstrange #bravenewworld #marvelstudios #caroldanvers #multiverse #moonknight #ironheart #shangchi #avengers #infinity #simuliu #knight #disney #kree #chi
#draftuntitledshangchiandthelegendofthetenringssequel #marvelcinematicuniversephasefour #entertainmentculture #benedictcumberbatch #captainmarvel #doctorstrange #bravenewworld #marvelstudios #caroldanvers #multiverse #moonknight #ironheart #shangchi #avengers #infinity #simuliu #knight #disney #kree #chi
El elenco de #CaptainAmerica: #BraveNewWorld hasta ahora
#captainamerica #bravenewworld
Algunos insiders aseguran que, tal como pasó con #CaptainAmerica #CivilWar reunió a la mayoría de los personajes de MCU, #BraveNewWorld nos traería una nueva reunión. Un mueble grupo oficial de los Héroes más Poderosos de la Tierra????
#avengers #captainamerica #civilwar #bravenewworld
Algunos insiders aseguran que, tal como pasó con #CaptainAmerica #CivilWar reunió a la mayoría de los personajes de MCU, #BraveNewWorld nos traería una nueva reunión. Un mueble grupo oficial de los Héroes más Poderosos de la Tierra????
#avengers #captainamerica #civilwar #bravenewworld
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
THX 1138 (1971)
Starting out as a student project, this film was George Lucas's first. Apparently Warner Brothers thought it was good enough and decided to back it. Francis Ford Coppola who was already seeing a lot of success by that time also joined the project to help produce.
The film didn’t get many rave reviews when it was first released, but when Lucas went on to make Star Wars just six years later, THX 1138 enjoyed a significant bump in its esteem.
One of the features of the dystopian world depicted in this film is a drug to suppress everyone’s emotions. This is an idea loosely borrowed from A Brave New World, except in Huxley’s story the controlling drug is a happy pill not an emotion-suppression pill. This same idea of a society with suppressed emotions has been used from time to time in science fiction, more recently by the film Equals (2015).
It’s been released in several different cuts (some parts of the original release were censored by Warner Bros). Generally, I’d say the longer cuts are probably closer Lucas’ vision.
There was a director's cut released in 2004 by Lucas himself which is a true director's cut, however if you watch that one you'll be looking at his vision in 2004, and may not be what he would have done 1971 as director’s cut.
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#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #film #movie #bald #dystopia #the70s #youth #emotion #drugs #equals #BraveNewWorld
#ftw #sfftw #film #bald #youth #drugs #emotion #equals #bravenewworld #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #movie #the70s #science #dystopia
Tag 2
#Magdeburg #BPT231 #AVEU24
Was war in der Ansage vor ein paar Minuten eben? Bei mir war kein Ton mimimi. Musik davor und danach einwandfrei.
Liegts daran, dass ich hier tippe? Gruß vom Balkonnnggg.
#bravenewworld #aveu24 #bpt231 #magdeburg
The 12yo has discovered ChatGPT and is getting it to create EraserMike fan fiction. #BraveNewWorld
The digital parallel to inbreeding? #BraveNewWorld #HAL
#MarvelStudios has revealed a title change for the fourth #CaptainAmerica movie, the first with #AnthonyMackie in the title role, from #NewWorldOrder to #BraveNewWorld. The film will be released May 3, 2024. #movies
#marvelstudios #captainamerica #anthonymackie #newworldorder #bravenewworld #movies