#BraveWritingIching: 11/26: 1 of 2
57 -The Gentle: 'Before the Change, 3 Days; After the Change, 3 Days'
I find my feet,
Find the footing.
On a rock in a streamed
It looks stable.
But it tips
when I step on it.
I cannot see the steadiest path
with my eyes.
The dry rooftops can be receiveing.
Do I trade what looks like traction
For the way an algae covered, underwater stone can be
slippery, but stoic?
Setting the intention: Brave Writing uses a line prompt and a timed writing session to stoke your creative energy. I am going to challenge myself to do a session, casting an #IChing hexagram as a starting point, at least 4 times a week until the New Year.
Pick a line, set the timer for 7 minutes, and just keep that pen moving.
#bravewritingiching #IChing #amwriting