@adam You don't need releases? Or does the v4v upload give you cover?
I got hammered for a secret work music server built off Napster... #gunshy
I think the music industry gave us all PTSD when it comes to playing music in our podcasts.
Meanwhile, I think Boostagram Ball is F-ing revolutionary!! #bravozulu
#BravoZulu ! Cent années d'audace, telle est le fondement de la Réserve navale du Canada. Joyeux Centenaire à tous les réservistes d'y Canada !
#BravoZulu ! One hundred years of daring, that is the basis of the Naval Reserve. Happy Centennial to all naval reservist of Canada!
Lifting my twitter moratorium to post a thank you to the @CoastGuardCAN@twitter.com #SamuelRisley crew for assisting us collecting water samples for #WinterGrab2023. Winter limnology on the #GreatLakes is poorly documented and so little ice this year! Samples going to @McKayGLIER@twitter.com. #BravoZulu
#samuelrisley #wintergrab2023 #greatlakes #bravozulu
This is pretty accurate. Life on a 🇺🇸 or 🇨🇦 #CoastGuard #GreatLakes icebreaker is entirely dependent on the weather and shipping demand. And hope you are a deep sleeper because it is *loud*. #BravoZulu
#coastguard #greatlakes #bravozulu